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Q: How do you respond to someone who has stepped on your toes?
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it breaks

Why do toes curl during sex?

Ligaments in the toes respond to serotonin released during coitus. Contraction is a involuntary response to this process.

Why did the computer squeak?

It had a mouse.

What is the proper order of names on wedding shower thank you notes bride or groom?

Do it alphabetically that way no one feels that their toes have been stepped on.

Could someone have thirteen toes?

While it is highly unlikely that a human being would be born with thirteen toes it is possible someone could have a birth defect which could result in having 13 toes.

Why do you have to have shoes?

Because if someone stepped on your foot it would be protected

What is respond?

RESPOND: To answer or react to something. For example, When someone calls your name you RESPOND by looking to see who called you. Or you RESPOND verbally by saying "I am here!". When someone writes you a letter you RESPOND by sending a letter back to them.

What is the meaning of the idiom step on someone's toes'?

"Standing on someone's toes" just means that your foot is on top of theirs. "Stepping on someone's toes," however, refers to the idea that you are stepping in on their territory and taking over something that belongs to them (either in reality, or just in their minds."

Is it respond to or respond for?

It can be either one, depending on your meaning. You would "respond to" a question or comment directed at you. You would "respond for" someone else who cannot respond for themselves.

If you stepped on a tack how would your nervous system respond?

Your nervous system would respond by sending an electrical message to your brain through your nervous system. Once you have recognized you were hurt, you would go and get a band-aid.

What does stepping on toes means?

"Stepping on toes" means unintentionally offending or intruding on someone else's territory or responsibilities. It can refer to overstepping boundaries or causing annoyance by interfering in someone else's affairs.

Difference between being sorry and asking for forgiveness?

from a biblical point of view, I think 'i am sorry' applies when the injury/action done to the offended is just hurtful and not sinful. For instance, " I stepped on your toes and hurt you, it was not intentional though I am sorry" However, ' forgive me' is most suitable when the root of the action/injury done is sinful; its out of selfish spiteful motive. For instance, "I am sorry I stepped on your toes, I hurt you just to get back on you, please forgive me."