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Q: How do you replace the center br?
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Center each sentence on your about you section on my myspace page?

<center> and to skip lines, put <br>

How do I make windows open in center of screen?

var win = null;function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll){LeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0;TopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-h)/2 : 0;settings ='height='+h+',width='+w+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+','win =,myname,settings)if(win.window.focus){win.window.focus();}}LINK

How would you center your writing on MySpace?

to center your writing on my space you have to do this <center>then your text then every line u have after tht do <br>in front of the first word and behind the last hope u get it

Why isn't there a br in Halo 3 odst?

Because bungie wanted people to use some other weapons for once, seeing how as the BR destroys all. Also the pistol was supposed to replace it in ODST.

Is carbon tetrabromide symmetric?

Yes, it is symmetric. The C is at the center, surrounded by 4 Br atoms at equal angles.

What are the filipino words that starts in br?

brick brim broth brat brake brawl.............. oh and br br br br br

Quais são as sete principais rodovias do Brasil?

Br-101 br-116 br-163 br-158 br-153 br-280 br-282

Create a digital clock using vbscript?

Oh, what a wonderful idea! To create a digital clock using VBScript, you can start by using the Date and Time functions to get the current time. Then, you can display this time on your computer screen using a message box or by updating a label in a VBScript form. Remember, the beauty of creating something like this is in the process itself, so take your time and enjoy every brushstroke of code you write.

How do you make spaces on myspace?

You do this; <br> You do this; <br> You do this; <br>

How do you hide MySpace terms of use?

table tr td div font {display: none;}table td div {visibility:hidden;}table table td div {visibility:visible;}tr {background:transparent;}table tr td div div {visibility:hidden;display:none;border:0px!important;background-color:transparent;}

What does the HTML tag br mean?

<BR> tag stands for line break. This is the first line <BR> This is the second line In HTML the above code will get displayed as: This is the first line This is the second line

How do you tell if your girlfriend is over her ex?

<br /><br />this is amazing<br /><br />