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mo-kele m-bembe

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It is pronounced as MOH-kay-lay mm-BEM-bay.

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How much does a mokele mbembe weigh?

There are no official records or reliable estimates of a mokele-mbembe's weight as it is a mythical creature described in local folklore and legends from Central Africa.

Is the Mokele Mbembe territorial?

well you cant really know because it is not proven to exist

What does Mokele Mbembe have in common with the Lock Ness Monster?

Both the Mokele Mbembe and the Lock Ness Monster are dinosaur like mythical animals, people have searched and hunted for these animals, myth and fare sightings of both are reported but there is no proof that they exist.

Can the mokele mbembe do anything?

The mokele-mbembe is a mythical creature from Central Africa said to resemble a long-necked dinosaur. It is often described as elusive and shy, with reports of it being able to swim and emit a loud noise. However, there is no concrete evidence of its existence.

Is the mokele mbembe real?

That is unknown. Mokele Mbembe is a "cryptid". A cryptid is a animal in a scientific study [Bigfoot, Yeti, etc.] who's existence has not yet been proven. Its is very possible however that a creature like this could still exist in the jungle because much of it although has been explored with machines, it has not been manually explored.

Is their a mystery animal in the Congo?

There have been rumors of a dinosaur like creature there, called Mokele Mbembe. Supposed to be similar to a saurapod like brachiosaurus.

What is extraordinary about the mokele mbembe?

The Mokele-Mbembe is said to be a mythical creature resembling a sauropod dinosaur that supposedly inhabits the Congo River basin. It is extraordinary because of its alleged prehistoric origins and the debate surrounding its existence, with some believing it to be a living dinosaur and others dismissing it as a mythical legend.

Desribe the Mokele-Mbembe?

The Mokele-Mbembe is said to be a water dwelling animal around fifteen to thiry feet in size. It is said to resemble a Sauropod (long necked dinosaur) and live in the unexplored regions of the Congo Basin. There aren't very many exact descriptions of what it looks like but, imagine something along the lines of the Loch Ness Monster, long neck, triangular head, smooth shiny skin. How this helps!!

Has anyone outside of Africa seen mokele-mbembe?

i doubt it. the reason being is that its an African legend, that'd be like saying "has the loch ness monster been spotted in belgium"

Is it true that in 2000 in Cameroon Boumba River two Congolese security guards spotted Mokele-mbembe?

Yes. In February 2000, two security guards observed a large Mokele-mbembe moving douth on the Boumba River in Cameroon. However, the steel cables spanning the river at that point would not let the animal pass, so it turned around and retreated north on the river. A recent National Geographic Channel show starring microbiologiost Pat Spain, interviewed several fishermen who have observed Mokele-mbembes in the Dja River in Cameroon as recently as November 2011.

Have any cryptids killed humans and which ones?

Some very dangerous cryptids have killed people: the chupacabra, Yeti, skinwalker, Mokele Mbembe, wendigo, and a few others. Most cryptids avoid humans.

When was Achille Mbembe born?

Achille Mbembe was born in 1957.