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Rub it against something warm, generate heat to get back the circulation.

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Q: How do you numb your hand nerve cells?
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Why is part of hand numb after hand surgery?

Possibly because the surgeon cut a nerve.

You hit your finger with a hammer and finger goes numb why is it numb- at least for short period of time?

Probably due to damage of the nerve cells in your finger.

Why is my arm hand still numb after swing my arm yesterday?

If you swung your arm yesterday and it has been numb for two days, you should see a doctor. You may have a pinched nerve.

What kind of cells are in your hand?

skin blood stem muscle nerve cells

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Do fat cells have nerve cells?

Fat cells do not have nerve cells because they are primarily made up of adipocytes, which are specialized cells for storing fat. Nerve cells, on the other hand, are responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body and are not typically found within fat tissue.

Does cocaine numb your tongue?

Because the nerve cells are too high to do their job.

What is the difference between nerve cells and nerve?

a nerve tends to refer to a group of nerve cells.

What is a connector nerve?

Connector nerve cells connect the sensory nerve cells with motor nerve cells and allow for decision making.

Why would your arm and hand go numb when turning your head?

If the SAME arm & hand go numb every time you turn your head in the same direction, You need medical evaluation to include an MRI, EMG's (electric studies of your arm) and through physical examination... You could have a nerve being pinched in your neck --at the worst...

Why is my leg numb after having a hysterectomy?

a nicked nerve. good luck