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MAKE UP SEX!!!! or apologize for what yall have done, and take her out to dinner....tell her you were wrong. that makes a girl happy .

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Q: How do you make up after an argument?
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The distortion or misrepresentation of a position in order to make it easier to attack?

This is known as a "straw man argument." It involves presenting a weakened or exaggerated version of someone's argument or position in order to make it easier to discredit. It's a fallacy because it does not accurately represent the original argument.

When evaluating an argument with unstated premises what is the most appropriate tactic?

The most appropriate tactic is to try to identify the missing premises by considering what additional information is needed to make the argument logically sound. One approach is to ask questions to uncover the assumptions or missing elements that would strengthen the argument. Additionally, considering alternative perspectives and potential counterarguments can help in determining what unstated premises might be necessary for the argument to hold up.

Is a convoluted argument simple?

no, because the argument is all rolled together

What is a strong or weak argument?

A strong argument is one that is logically sound, supported by evidence and reasoning, and addresses counterarguments effectively. A weak argument lacks evidence, has logical fallacies, and relies on emotional appeals rather than facts.

What is a supporting reason?

A supporting reason is additional evidence or rationale that helps strengthen or justify a claim or argument. It provides further details, explanations, or examples to back up the main point being made. Supporting reasons help enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of an argument.

Related questions

Is it good to have make up sex right after every argument and will it last like that?

no and no not for long

How do you know if your realtionship will last?

You will know if a relationship is going to last by what happens when you argue with that person, and don't just start an argument just to see what happens. But if that person loves you, then he or she will try to defuse the argument or make up to you before you make up to them.

How do you persuade my boyfriend to have a baby?

do wat ucan to trick him or bring up a good argument and make him feel guilty,

What are the reasons why its important to create works-cited list?

To provide credibility for the arguments you make in your essay To show the reader that you didn't make up the facts upon which your arguments are based To protect you from accusations of plagiarism

Which choice would be the most logical argument for cleaning up a park?

We will make the park safer and a better place to play

What will make an argument weaker?


What is the purpose of an argument's conclusion?

Answer this question… To restate the central point of the argument and make a final bid for the audience's support

How do you make an inductive argument stronger?

make the conclusion weaker

What argument do critics of affirmative action often make?

Critics often make the argument that affirmative action is unconstitutional.

How do you get your way in an argument?

if the argument has already started then stick up for one of the people and start bitching to the other person. if there's no argument then just start bitching to the person you want to have an argument with

Does Charles beard make a convincing argument?


What does 'brook no argument' mean?

Brook means to put up with, or tolerate, so the whole thing means it doesn't have to to put up with any argument.