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To make cement with limestone, you need to heat a mixture of limestone and clay in a kiln to about 1400°C, which produces a chemical reaction called calcination. This process breaks down the limestone into calcium oxide (also known as quicklime) which is a key ingredient in cement production. The quicklime is then mixed with other materials such as sand and water to create the final cement product.

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Q: How do you make cement with limestone?
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What does limestone make?


Which rock is used to make cement?

limestone is used to make cement

How do you make cement from limestone?

you make it by mixing limestone powder and clay in a kiln

Why is limestone good for making cement?

Limestone is made up of calcium oxide which is the key ingredient to make cement. The limestone is mixed in with a particular clay to get the cement mixture.

What rock is needed to make cement?

Limestone is refined to make portland cement.

What can be heated with clay to make cement?

calcium carbonate (limestone)

What is mixed with limestone to make cement?

it is mixed with clay to form cement.

How do you make cement on alchemy?

To make cement in alchemy, you typically combine limestone and clay together. These two materials are heated in a kiln to high temperatures, which causes chemical reactions that result in the creation of cement.

Does limestone and clay make cement?

Yes, limestone and clay are the two main ingredients used to make cement. They are crushed, mixed in precise proportions, and then heated in a rotary kiln to produce cement clinker, which is then ground into a fine powder and mixed with gypsum to make cement.

How do you make concrete on alchemy game on droid?

Cement water =concrete. Clay limestone= cement shells stone =limestone plankton+stone =shells

What sedimentary rock is used to make cement?

Limestone is a common sedimentary rock used to make cement. It is primarily composed of calcium carbonate and is crushed and heated to form the powdery substance used in cement production.

Can you make cement out of limestone?

Yes, cement is made by heating limestone, clay, and other materials in a kiln to produce what is known as clinker. The clinker is then ground into a fine powder and mixed with gypsum to produce cement. Limestone is a key ingredient in the production of cement due to its high calcium content.