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The idea is to draw a circle (two actually), using the ends of the paperclip to establish the radius of the circle, one pencil to anchor an end of the paperclip as the center of the circle, and a second pencil at the opposite end of the paperclip to draw the circle. Step by step, with the following diagram of characters, where the 'x' shows the place of the pencil that does not move, as the center of the circle, 'y' shows the place of the second pencil that moves to draw the small circle, and 'z' shows the place of the second pencil that moves to large small circle: (x______y)__z) # Place the paperclip on a piece of paper; # Put the first pencil inside the end of the paperclip that has just one loop ('x' above in the diagram). This pencil stays put, and is the center of the circle; # Put the second pencil inside either of the loops at the other end of the paperclip. Move this second pencil to draw a circle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

To make a compass with these materials, first magnetize the nail by rubbing it against a magnet in the same direction several times. Next, tie the string around the nail and place it inside the plastic jar. Put the lid on and tape the lid securely. Allow the nail to settle and align itself north-south. The end pointing north indicates the north direction.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

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Q: How do you make a compass with a magnetized nail and stringand plastic jar with lid and tape?
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What is the arrow in a compass made of?

The compass needle is made of a small piece of magnetized steel, that in use aligns itself parallel with the lines of magnetic force at your location.In the northern hemisphere, by and large, the N painted end of the needle will point towards the North Pole.In the Southern Hemisphere, by and large, the S pole of the needle will point to the South Pole. (For it is the strongest there.)Because the compass needle will follow the lines of force, and these lines dip into the earth, compasses designed for use in the N hemisphere will have a small counter balancing weight to bring the needle to level.Analogously for compasses designed for use in the southern hemisphere.For people who wish to use their compass anywhere on the Earth, (such as military) they will have a slightly insensitive needle, and a more massive plate or dial.Having the dial (or card) immersed in a slightly viscous fluid will help steady the swinging of the needle.It is made from any magnetic material such as steel

Hw do you make a compass face the wrong way?

To make a compass face the wrong way, you can do so by placing a strong magnet next to the compass needle. The magnetic force of the magnet will overpower the Earth's magnetic field, causing the compass needle to point in the opposite direction. Remember that this can temporarily disrupt the accuracy of the compass.

What metal makes compass go haywire?

Iron can make a compass go haywire as it can create magnetic interference. When a compass is near iron or magnetic objects, it can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field that the compass relies on for accurate readings.

How do you make a compass In alchemy?

In alchemy, a compass can be symbolized by the element of air or the direction of east. To harness this energy, you can create a talisman or sigil that represents the qualities of a compass, such as guidance, direction, and balance. Meditating on this symbol can help you align yourself with the energy of a compass in a spiritual or metaphysical sense.

How do you use an ordinary Compass?

To use an ordinary compass, hold it flat in your palm and make sure the needle can move freely. Rotate yourself and the compass until the needle points to the north direction marked on the compass. Now you can determine the other directions (east, west, south) based on the north reading.

Related questions

What is used to make compass needles because it is magnetic?

Compass needles are typically made from magnetized materials such as iron or steel. These materials are able to become magnetized and align with the Earth's magnetic field, allowing the compass needle to point north.

What are the materials they used to make the magnetic compass?

The main materials used to make a magnetic compass are a magnetized needle, usually made of steel or iron, and a housing or casing to protect the needle. The casing may be made of materials like plastic, glass, or metal. Additionally, some compasses have a fluid-filled chamber to dampen the movement of the needle and improve accuracy.

What charactericof iron would make it a bad material for the housing around a compass?

Iron is a poor choice for a compass housing because it is easily magnetized, which can interfere with the compass needle's ability to point accurately to magnetic north. Iron is also prone to corrosion, which can affect the compass's functioning over time. Using non-magnetic and non-corrosive materials, such as brass or aluminum, would be more ideal for compass housings.

What is the material to make a compass needle gold silver iron or copper?

Iron is the material typically used to make a compass needle due to its magnetic properties. Gold, silver, and copper are not commonly used for compass needles because they are not as easily magnetized as iron.

How could you magnetise a needle to make your own compass?

To magnetize a needle to make a compass, you can rub the needle on a magnet in the same direction multiple times. This will align the magnetic domains in the needle and make it magnetic. Once magnetized, the needle will point towards the Earth's magnetic North pole, allowing it to act as a simple compass.

How can you make your own compass?

* Get a large, round piece of cardboard * Put a hole in the middle using a sharp pencil * Put the compass ticker in * Write on the directions * Place a layer of plastic/glass over the top

How do you make a Tech Deck tool magnetic?

take the plastic bit of the tool and then rub any magnet against the tool for about 1 to 2 minutes and the tool will then become magnetized, you can do this with any screw driver or tool you want

Who was compass?

well the first person to make the compass was the chinese.

What characteristic of iron would make it a bad material for the housing around a compass?

Iron is a magnetic material, which can interfere with the compass's needle and disrupt its ability to accurately indicate the Earth's magnetic field. This interference could lead to inaccurate readings and a faulty compass.

Who was the first person to make the compass rose?

=== === ---- How did the Compass Rose get it's name?

What is a compass saw used for?

A compass saw is used to make curved cuts

Can you make a sentence with the word compass?

I used my compass to find my way out of the forest.