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all wires should be color coded, that is black-hot, white-neutral, green-ground. national electrical code been in use since the dark ages. if the wires are not colored, take a continuity tester, test from the cord cap to each wire on the opposite end of the cord. the larger straight prong on the cord cap is the neutral, mark it with white tape, the smaller straight prong [parallel to the larger prong] is the hot, mark it black. the " u "shaped prong is the ground wire, the mosat important of the 3. mark it green. on the continuity tester, the light on the tester will light when you touch the correct prong to the correct wire

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1mo ago

In a typical electrical cord, the black wire is usually the hot (positive) wire and the white wire is the neutral (negative) wire. If your cord also has a green wire, that is the ground wire. It's important to double check with a voltage tester or consult the manufacturer's instructions for your specific garbage disposal model to be sure of the correct wiring.

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Q: How do you know which wire is the positive or negative on a grey three pronged cord that you have to connect to a garbage disposser?
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