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Q: How do you know there is a gas in the tube without in salt or water?
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Alternate Wordings for 'Which freezes first cold water or hot water or salt water?

One alternate wording is At waters freezing temperaturethere are 3 test tubes, cold water is in test tube A, hot water is in test tube B, and salt water is in test tube C. Which test tube at (32 degrees) which will freeze the fastest? i hope i helped!

Why does a test tube of fresh water freeze quickly in iced salt water?

The salt in the water lowers its freezing point, causing the water to become colder than 0 degrees Celsius. This rapid transfer of heat from the fresh water to the iced salt water speeds up the freezing process of the fresh water in the test tube.

How do you get salt out of salt water by only using a camping stove handkercheif pan elastic bands kettle plastic tube cup and matches?

Wrap the handkerchief around the plastic tube and secure it with the elastic bands. Stick one end of the tube into the spout of the kettle. If it's not a snug fit use the edge of the handkerchief to pack the gap. If the tube is long enough, let some of it lay slack in the pan and place the other end of the tube over the cup. Fill the pan with cool water and also wet the handkerchief. If possible, let one edge to the handkerchief contact the cool water in the pan. Fill the kettle with salt water and place it on the stove. Use a match to light the stove and bring the salt water to a boil. Steam will travel through the tube and condense when it is cooled by the wet handkerchief and/or the cool water in the pan. The condensate will continue down the tube into the cup. Now try the same thing with beer instead of salt water. Yeeeeeeee Haw!

Suppose that an investigator fills a dialysis tube with water and ties the ends she then places the tube in a salt solutionwhat will happen to the weight of the tube after 30 minutes?

it will shrink i just did this in my bio class =]

Which has greater amount- the alcohol in an uncalibrated test tube or the salt solution in a vial?

[object Object]

Which is an example of how the cell membrane of a tube worm maintained a stable environment?

Some examples of how the cell membrane of a tube worm maintains a stable environments are that: - It prevents minerals in the water from flowing into the cell. - It prevents salt from flowing in.

What type of solution is created if salt settles on the bottom of the test tube filled with water?

ur all gay

How do you measure exactly 60g of salt in a test tube?

First we measure the test tube on the weight machine and note it . let the wieght be 'a' grams. After that keep putting the salt in the tube until the weight of the test tube ,with salt in it, is = (a + 60) grams . If u accomplish this that means that the salt in the tube is exactly of 60 grams :) .

Some salt and acid was placed in a test tube. The lime water turned milky.What is the name of this gas?

carbon dioxide

How does a soultion become saturated?

Add salt crystals to water in a test tube, and agitate until the crystals have dissolved and no longer visible. Then keep adding small amounts of salt and agitate. Eventually the salt will no longer dissolve into the water. Therefore, the liquid is said to be saturated.

How would you separate the salt from the water and still have the water left?

Simple collect the water gas and cool it using a condenser in a condensing tube which will cause the water to return to liquid state and collect it in a beaker