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They don't usually lay eggs in captivity, it's really hard to get them pregnant, too.

Goldfish are egg layers NOT live bearers.

The female lays the eggs in a cluster and the male fertilizes them by swimming over them and releasing sperm.

During breeding season, the male goldfish will develop tiny lumps behind the gills called tubercles. This signifies he is ready to fertilize eggs.

Female goldfish that are pregnant will have a very distended abdomen and will look very fat.

After a few days they will lay the eggs.

Once the eggs hatch the parents and other fish in the tank will not tend to the fry and in some cases will readily eat them, so they MUST to be separated from the young.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The following is true it happened to my fish... Well, my fish was mating with the other fish, after 4 hours it didn't move. I thought she was dead and i picked her up with my bare hands. It's tummy moved funny and I put her down. I saw a little sphere com out. I thought it was poop but after some days I saw a funny looking animal in the tank. I left it there realizing that the other day it was giving life to a baby. The odd fish grew and looked just like its mother . Unfortunuatly... the little fish family died at separate years.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Well firstly your fish will not lay eggs on its own

Secondly, if it has laid eggs you would most likely see them (for descriptions of eggs please wait until after the answer)

thirdly, you will see the male fish swimming over them

if you fish has laid eggs wait for the boy fish to swim over them then either move the fish or eggs A.S.A.P unlees you would like you fish eggs to be eaten.

discriptions of eggs:

the eggs are really notisable and there are hundreds of them that are small white balls so they are hard to miss\

thank-you for asking this question, wikianswers is here to help

sincerely, user of wikianswers.
ok if you have a betta fish that's quiet large and colorfull its a male and if its quite small and has a few stripes o it then its a female when tehy have stripes on them they are ready to mate but the males need to be ready to so when you look at your male betta fish in his tank look arounds the tops of the water for bubble nests witch are a hole heap of bubbles stuck to each other on the side of the tank i hope i helped from KYE
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βˆ™ 14y ago

usually their stomach is raised out and looks like it has a bump near its stomach. if your glofish is pregnant then as soon as it gives birth turn off the lights so the fish cant see the babies and remove them into another bowl. leave them in the bowl till they get big enough that the other fish cant eat them. then after they get big enough place them back into the bowl or tank. :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You honestly cant. Its physically impossible to tell.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Glofish are egg bearing fish, so they do not get pregnant.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You would likely see the eggs.

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