Chest movement with the lungs inflating/deflating. Breath passing through the mouth or nose
You can observe respiration by looking for signs such as inhaling and exhaling of air, movement of the chest or abdomen, and listening for breath sounds. Additionally, you can feel for air being expelled from the mouth or nose and check for a pulse to ensure circulation of oxygenated blood.
Respiration, the breathing in of air with oxygen and exhaling air with carbon dioxide, is always taking place except when a person is holding their breath. Cellular respiration, the conversion of nutrients to energy to sustain life, is always taking place in the human body as long as their is food available and the body is alive.
No, cellular respiration is a biochemical process that takes place in cells to produce energy. Exhalation is the process of releasing carbon dioxide from the lungs, while inhalation is the process of taking in oxygen. They are related but not the same.
The answer to this question is very hard. If you wish to know the answer, go to google and google it. Thank you, the Answering Co.
If the plant is devoid of stomata the process of photosynthesis and respiration won't occur within the plant due to diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide not taking place.
Respiration take place in it. Anaerobic respiration is taken place
aerobic respiration is taking place
Respiration, the breathing in of air with oxygen and exhaling air with carbon dioxide, is always taking place except when a person is holding their breath. Cellular respiration, the conversion of nutrients to energy to sustain life, is always taking place in the human body as long as their is food available and the body is alive.
You sweat if thermoregution is taking place
Mitochondrion is a spherical or rod-shaped organelle found within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.It acts as the “powerhouse of the cell†as it generates most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the process of cellular respiration.
The best way to know when a physical change is taking place is to observe. There will be a visible change in physical changes.
No, cellular respiration is a biochemical process that takes place in cells to produce energy. Exhalation is the process of releasing carbon dioxide from the lungs, while inhalation is the process of taking in oxygen. They are related but not the same.
The answer to this question is very hard. If you wish to know the answer, go to google and google it. Thank you, the Answering Co.
Aerobic respiration is conducted. They produce energy in cell
If the plant is devoid of stomata the process of photosynthesis and respiration won't occur within the plant due to diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide not taking place.
I dont know you tell me.
Respiration take place in it. Anaerobic respiration is taken place