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Q: How do you know a rotten apple has gone through a chemical reaction answer?
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Is browning apple slice chemical or physical?

chemical reaction.

Is An apple turning brown and food burning on stove is this a physical change?

An apple turning brown is a chemical change because it involves a reaction that changes the chemical composition of the apple. Food burning on the stove is also a chemical change as it involves a combustion reaction that changes the chemical composition of the food.

Why would an apple make you sick?

An apple could make you sick because it is rotten or has unwanted pesticide chemicles which cause a reaction in your body that make you feel sick.

What is fruit oxidation?


When was The Big Apple Rotten to the Core created?

The Big Apple Rotten to the Core was created in 1982.

How do you make an apple rotten?

leave it in your yard for a week or two, then BAM one rotten apple.

If you cut into an apple and it's spotted brown is it rotten?

I would think the apple would be rotten. I've never seen the inside of an apple that is naturally brown when cut open unless it was rotten.

How do you make a sentence for word apple?

That apple is rotten!

How long does it take an apple and banana to become rotten?

an apple and a banana gets rotten like in an hour interesting

How do you use rotten in a sentence?

It depends what you mean......... eg. 'the apple I found is rotten' or 'she is a rotten speller'

Is changing color of apple a chemical or physical change?

Changing the color of an apple is a chemical change because it involves a chemical reaction that alters the molecular structure of the apple's pigments, such as when the apple oxidizes and turns brown.

Write a sentence using the word rotten?

The apple is rotten and is no longer good to eat.