

How do you grow kamias?

Updated: 6/30/2024
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12y ago

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Kamias, or bilimbi, trees prefer a warm, tropical climate with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. They are propagated through seeds or cuttings, planted in a location with ample space for the tree to grow. Regular watering and fertilizing can help the tree thrive, and pruning may be needed to maintain its shape and health.

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Q: How do you grow kamias?
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How long kamias grow?

Kamias trees typically start producing fruit within 2-3 years after planting. The fruit usually becomes ready for harvest within 6-8 months of flowering. Kamias can continue to bear fruit for many years under the right growing conditions.

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How do you preserve kamias?

Get kamias and pricked it And TADA! u made ur kamias preserve already , in just two esay steps :)) wish i helped XD

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Yes, Kamias can whiten the skin. Kamias is made out of lemon and honey. The lemon is known to be an all natural whitening agent.

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What is the scientific name of a kamias plant?

The scientific name of kamias plant is Averrhoa bilimbi.

How do kamias remove stain?

Kamias, also known as bilimbi or cucumber tree fruit, can be used to help remove stains by rubbing the cut fruit directly onto the stained area. The natural acidity of the kamias can help break down and lift the stain. Additionally, you can also create a paste with crushed kamias and water to apply to the stain before washing.

What is kamyas or kamias in English?

The word "kamya" or "kamias" is in Filipino language (national language in the Philippines). In English language it's equivalent is "Bilimbi tree", "Bilimbi fruit", "Averrhoa", or "pickle tree".

What chemical is found in the kamias that can remove stain?

Oxalic acid is the chemical found in kamias that can help remove stains due to its acidic properties that can break down substances like rust and ink.

What are chemical and nutritional components of kamias?

ewan q sau

Characteristics of a kamias fruit?

it is an oval shaped,green and etc.