the seed will not grow.
No, half a seed cannot grow. A seed needs to be intact in order to germinate and grow into a plant. Cutting a seed in half would prevent it from being able to sprout and develop into a plant.
No, a seed will not grow in your nose. The conditions inside your nose are not suitable for a seed to germinate and grow into a plant. Additionally, seeds require soil, water, and sunlight to grow which are not present in your nasal cavity.
When a plant starts to grow from a seed we say the seed germinates.
When the seed begins to grow, it is called germination. Germination is the process where a seed starts to sprout and develop into a young plant.
Chrysanthemums can grow in zones 3 to 9.
Malaysia is a big source for florist chrysanthemums. Many of them are not grown from seed but from tissue culture.
Chrysanthemums need well drained soil. So clay is not good. Sand or Miracle Grow as long as the Miracle Grow does not retain water.
If planted early enough in the season for the roots to grow, chrysanthemums are perennials.
Chrysanthemums can be grown both in India and UK !!!
No seed can grow without land
If you allow the roots to grow and mulch heavily, your chrysanthemum may overwinter.
a seed starting to grow
The seed will grow, but in contrast there shall be a foul odour =]
the seed will not grow.