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Exercise and activity. Your metabolism rate is directly linked to how active you are. Your metabolic rate is how rapidly and efficiently you pull and use energy obtained by foods. People who are active throughout the day have higher metabolisms than those who are sedentiary. To learn about the foods that speed metabolism, see the related page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

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15y ago
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1mo ago

To gain weight with a fast metabolism, focus on consuming more calories than you burn through a combination of nutrient-dense foods. Incorporate healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into your meals, and consider strength training to build muscle mass, which can help with weight gain. Consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance to achieve your weight goals.

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16y ago

My husband consulted a dietician (well-credentialed) for healthy weight gain, and she recommended a combination of nuts and real fruit juice (not juice "drink" with added cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup). Nuts are high-caloried, heart-healthy, and have lots of protein. Real fruit juice is high-caloried and full of vitamins and healthy phytochemicals.

Have both at the same time for snacks so protein in the nuts buffers the natural fruit sugars in the juice - that way, you keep a more stable blood sugar.

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15y ago

Exercise first thing in the morning and eat several small meals in stead of 3 big ones. For in-depth information about how to make your metabolism faster, see the related question, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

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15y ago

To gain weight all that is needed is to eat more calories than you burn. Although a person may have fast metabolism, it is still possible to eat more calories than they are burning. A continual habit of eating more calories than those that are burned will lead to weight gain. However as soon as the calorie intake is lessened, so will the weight. For more in-depth information about how to gain weight, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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12y ago

If you have a fast metabolism, you can gain weight by frequently working out, and combining it with protein supplements.

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2y ago
Take more protein and workout

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15y ago

You need a HIGH CALORIE DIET with low cardio. Use protein shakes and powders and eat VERY HIGH PROTEIN.

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Q: How do you gain weight if you have fast metabolism?
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Which gland helps regulate metabolism and can lead to weight gain if it is too low?

The thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, and an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can lead to weight gain due to a slower metabolic rate. This condition can cause symptoms such as fatigue, cold intolerance, and difficulty losing weight. Treatment usually involves medication to supplement thyroid hormone levels.

Enlarged thyroid or weight gain may be caused by a prolonged deficiency in?

Iodine. An iodine deficiency can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) and weight gain due to an underactive thyroid. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and can affect weight.

If someone claims to have a fast metabolism what do they mean?

Having a fast metabolism generally means that a person's body burns calories at a quicker rate, resulting in efficient energy expenditure and potentially easier weight management. This can lead to the individual feeling more energetic and being able to consume a higher amount of calories without gaining weight compared to someone with a slower metabolism.

How much weight do you gain when taking steroids?

Weight gain on steroids can vary depending on the individual and the type of steroid being used. Water retention and increased muscle mass are common effects of steroid use, which can lead to weight gain. In some cases, significant weight gain may occur due to increased appetite and changes in metabolism.

Why is it not good to gain or lose to much weight in a short period of time?

Rapid weight gain or loss can put a strain on your body, leading to health issues like nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and a weakened immune system. It can also be harmful to your metabolism and may result in regaining the weight quickly once you go back to your normal eating habits. Gradual, sustainable weight changes are generally safer and more effective for long-term health.

Related questions

How do you get a fast metabolism and not gain weight?

Exorcise and lose weight. Your metabolism will get faster as you exorcise more.

Why can't i gain weight?

if you have a fast metabolism maybe that's why .. i learned that today:)

Is there such thing as high metabolism?

Yes there is. I have friends that have high metabolism and what it is is when your body burns fat very fast. People with high metabolism are very skinny and can eat as much as they want and not gain any weight. One of my friends will be eating at midnight and not gain weight.

Is metabolism the ability to gain or lose weight when on a diet?

Your metabolism isn't a ability it is a part of you that digested food fast/slow depending on how fast it is so yes it makes you lose weight... Next time learn b4 you ask

Why dont you gain weight you are 16 years old?

Usually because of either an active lifestyle or just a fast metabolism.

Why do i gain weight so fast?

Answeru probably gain weight fast because u have a (low) metabolism. Metabolism is the rate that ur body needs to brak down your foon. I have a high metabolism, so i burn my food faster than most ppl. Ppl who have a low metabolism don't break down their food as fast. It would be goodd 2 not eat as much, and get a lot of exercise, but talk 2 ur doc. first!

Will you gain weight back after juice fasting?

It depends on how you choose to live your life after the fast. Reintroduce food slowly, make healthy eating a lifestyle. If you go back to the diet you had before the fast, chances are you will quickly gain all the weight back. Because your metabolism slows during a juice fast, if you eat too much you may gain even more weight then before you started!

An increased rate of metabolism means what?

you're always hungry and never gain weight. u digest food and use energy too fast.

Why do you gain weight as you get to middle age?

Your metabolism slows down

Can growing older cause weight gain?

It's possible. As you age, your metabolism slows down, which can lead to weight gain.

How do you gain weight for an underweight person?

You probably have a very high metabolism which makes it hard to gain weight. I would slowly start to rasie your calories are start a weight training program. Make sure you are eating quality foods, and not just going out to fast food everyday to gain.

I need to gain weight help?

I need to gain weight, how can I do it fast and healthy?