A cubic centimeter is equal in volume to a milliliter.
One cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter, making it a common unit of volume for small quantities such as liquids or medication. It represents the volume of a cube with sides that are each one centimeter in length.
A cubic centimeter (cc) is a unit of volume equal to a cube one centimeter long on each side.
There are 1 milliliter in a cubic centimeter. They are equivalent units of volume.
One. To take it a step further in both directions; there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in 1 cubic meter, there are 1,000 cubic millimeters in 1 cubic centimeter and there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 ( or 1 x 1018) cubic nanometers in 1 cubic millimeter. As you can see cubic nanometers are very very very small. Space backward sentence
You find cubic centimeters by measuring the volume of something.
A cubic centimeter already is a unit of volume. Perhaps you want to convert it to another unit of volume, such as cubic meters, liters, etc.?
1 cubic centimeter.The ml and the cubic centimeter are equal volumes.
The volume of 1 cubic centimeter is 1 milliliter.
cubic centimeter is to measure volume centimeter is to measure length One can't compare a length and a volume, one can only compare a length and another length or a volume and another volume to find out which one is the larger It takes 2 comparable things to make a comparison
A cubic centimeter is equal in volume to a milliliter.
A cubic centimetre (cm3) is a unit of volume (V).
A unit of length (the centimeter) does not convert to a unit of volume (the cubic meter). Length is not volume.
One milliliter is one cubic centimeter.
Cubic centimeter and centimeter cube equal the same thing. The cubic volume of any substance is 1 unit x 1 unit x 1 unit.
The "cubic centimeter" is a unit of volume.