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There isn't enough information to make a calculation. If the mass is known and the radius is known, we can see that a steel plate with the given mass and radius will be thinner than a plastic plate with the same mass and radius. And a uranium plate will be thinner than the steel one if it has the same mass and radius. Without the density of the material or a knowledge of what it is (so we can look up its density), we're dead in the water. We can't solve it.

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1mo ago

To find the thickness of a plate when the mass and radius are known, you can use the formula for the surface area of a cylinder. With the mass and radius, you can calculate the volume of the cylinder and then use the formula for the volume of a cylinder to determine the thickness of the plate.

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Mass divided by density

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Q: How do you find the thickness of a plate if mass and radius are known?
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How do you find the thickness of a molecule?

we dont find thickness of molecule we find the radius of it vander waal radius for gases. first of all we take a beaker (all dimension are known), then we inject molecules of substance but a uniform flow and with the use of atomizer these atoms or molecules settle down on the bottom of beaker layer by layer when we get full bottom covered with molecules then we find thickness of the layer and estimate no. of atoms in layer with the help of different methods and the we divide it with estimated no. of atoms this way we find the diameter of atoms or molecule then we just divide it by 2. more precisely scientist take extreme precautions while performing the above experiments.

How do you find the thickness of your driveway if you already know the cubic yards?

Measure its area in square yards: If it is a rectangle, then Length * Width If it is a circle then pi*r2 where r is the radius If it is a more complicated shape then partition it into smaller, less complex shapes. Finally, Thickness = Cubic yards/Area and this measure will be in yards. Multiply this by 36 to get the thickness in inches.

A pad of paper 100 leaveshas a mass of 150g and a total thickness of 1cm find the thickness of a sheet of a paper?

To find the thickness of a single sheet of paper, divide the total thickness by the number of sheets: 1cm / 100 sheets = 0.01 cm per sheet.

How much does a plate of 12 4x8 sheet of plate steel weigh?

The weight of a plate of steel can vary depending on the thickness of the steel. A rough estimate for mild steel would be around 0.0283 pounds per cubic inch. To calculate the weight of a 4x8 sheet of steel, you would need to know the thickness of the steel in inches. Multiplying the area of the sheet (4x8=32 square feet) by the thickness of the steel will give you the volume of the steel. Multiply the volume by the weight per cubic inch to get the total weight of the sheet.

How do you find how many radius is one mile?

The question is meaningless. A radius is not a measurement unit. A radius can be thousands of miles or thousandths of a mile.

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The volume of twenty five pennies in cubic centimeters?

To find the volume of 25 pennies you will need to know the diameter and thickness of a penny. Calculate the radius by dividing the diameter in 1/2. Multiply the square of the radius by pi to find the area and then the area by the thickness to determine the volume.

Two spheres are cut from a certain uniform rock One has radius 4.15 cm The mass of the other is six times greater Find its radius?

Provided they are the same thickness, the larger sphere will have a radius of 10.165cm

How do you find the thickness of a molecule?

we dont find thickness of molecule we find the radius of it vander waal radius for gases. first of all we take a beaker (all dimension are known), then we inject molecules of substance but a uniform flow and with the use of atomizer these atoms or molecules settle down on the bottom of beaker layer by layer when we get full bottom covered with molecules then we find thickness of the layer and estimate no. of atoms in layer with the help of different methods and the we divide it with estimated no. of atoms this way we find the diameter of atoms or molecule then we just divide it by 2. more precisely scientist take extreme precautions while performing the above experiments.

How can you find width with radius given?

Width, or diameter as it is more commonly known = 2*radius.

How do you find the radius of a circle when the diameter is known?

The radius is half the diameter, so divide the diameter by 2.

How do you find wall thickness of pipe knowing the outside diameter and inner diameter of pipe?

Outer radius minus inner radius Subtract the inside diameter from the outside diameter, then divide the difference by 2.

How do you find circumference and area of a circle if radius is known?

Circumference = 2*pi*radius Area = pi*radius2

What is the circumference of a plate?

Assuming the plate to be circular, its circumference could be written as: Circumference = 2πr, where, π = 22/7 and r is the radius of the plate. If you need have the diameter of the plate, you can find its circumference using: Circumference = πd, where d represents the diameter of the plate.

How do you find the volume of a sphere when the radius is 10?

Use this formula when the radius is known: V = 4/3(PI*r3)

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I think you are asking how do you calculate the VOLUME of a disk 250mm with a thickness of 20 mm. If that is so, then find the area of the circle using the Area = pi times radius squared formula and then multiply by the thickness to get cubic millimeters volume.

How do you find the volume of a sphere if it has a radius of 4?

The formula with a known radius is: V = 4/3(PI*r3) A sphere with a radius of 4 units has a volume of 268.08 cubic units.

How do find the circumference of a circle if you have the radius?

easy you just double it. Additional answer No, that's incorrect. If you double the radius you get the diameter. To get the circumference you multiply the radius by 2 then by 3.142. 3.142 is known as pi