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To find the number of revolution days of a planet, you can use the formula: revolution days = orbital period / rotation period. The orbital period is how long it takes for the planet to complete one orbit around the sun, while the rotation period is how long it takes for the planet to rotate on its axis. This formula will give you the number of days it takes for the planet to complete one full rotation around its axis.

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Q: How do you find the number revolution days of each planet?
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How many days in a revolution?

There are 365.25 days in the Earth's revolution around the Sun. Hence, leap years. Each planet has its own period of revolution.

How many days it would take each planet to complete one revolution around the sun?

Mercury: 88 days Venus: 225 days Earth: 365 days Mars: 687 days Jupiter: 4,333 days Saturn: 10,759 days Uranus: 30,687 days Neptune: 60,190 days

What is venus revolution period in earth years?

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and orbits around the sun in about 225 days.

Why is a year different on each planet?

A year is different on each planet because it depends on the time it takes for the planet to complete one orbit around the sun. This orbital period varies based on the planet's distance from the sun and its orbital speed. For example, a year on Earth is 365 days because that is how long it takes for Earth to orbit the sun, while a year on Mars is about 687 Earth days because Mars takes longer to complete its orbit.

Is it true that each planet makes one revolution each year?

No, each planet has a different orbital period around the Sun. For example, Earth takes about 365 days to make one revolution, while planets like Venus and Mercury have shorter orbital periods, and planets like Mars and Jupiter have longer orbital periods.

What is the direction of each planet's revolution around the sun called?

anti clockwise

The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is called what?

For a planet in our solar system, one revolution around the Sun is called a "year." Each planet has a different year. As you know, Earth takes 365.25 days to follow its orbit around the Sun, though Jupiter's year is about 4335 earth days. It all depends on how long it takes each one to revolve around the Sun.

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Mercury is the planet that moves in the smallest solar orbit, that is, closest to the sun. For that reason, Mercury completes each orbital revolution in less time than any other planet does ... only 88 Earth days.

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How many days does it take each planet to rotate around the sun?

It takes Mercury about 88 Earth days, Venus about 225 Earth days, Earth about 365 days, Mars about 687 Earth days, Jupiter about 4,333 Earth days, Saturn about 10,759 Earth days, Uranus about 30,687 Earth days, and Neptune about 60,190 Earth days to orbit the sun.

What is the rotation time of each planet?

mars is 2 earth days jupiter is 92 earth days

How is the temperature and period of revolution of each planet related to its distance from the sun?

because the sun go to the earth