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You don't have enough information in this case. Kinetic energy depends on mass and speed. Speed can be calculated as distance / time - and no time is given, nor is there any other information that allows you to calculate the time.

Note that even if time is given, you can calculate the average (mean) speed, but that will only give you a rough idea of the mean kinetic energy. In this problem, if the speed changes a lot, the average kinetic energy (averaged over time) will be greater than in the case of a constant speed. This is because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed.

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To find the mean kinetic energy with only mass and horizontal distance traveled, you would also need to know the initial and final velocities of the object. Once you have these values, you can calculate the mean kinetic energy using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * ((v_final)^2 - (v_initial)^2), where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

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A particle is projected at 60 degree to the horizontal with a kinetic energy k the kinetic energy at highest point is?

At the highest point of the particle's trajectory, its kinetic energy will be zero because it momentarily comes to a stop at that point. Potential energy will be at a maximum at this point.

How do you find force while given kinetic energy and distance?

To find force using kinetic energy and distance, you need more information. You also need the time taken to cover the distance or the speed at which the object is moving. With this additional information, you can apply the work-energy principle, which relates the work done on an object to its change in kinetic energy to calculate the force.

Is an increase in kinetic energy directly proportional to the time it takes for an object to fall slash distance it falls?

No, an increase in kinetic energy is not directly proportional to the time it takes for an object to fall or the distance it falls. The kinetic energy of an object is based on factors like its mass and velocity, while the time it takes to fall and the distance it travels are influenced by gravitational acceleration and initial conditions.

How the hell do you measure motion?

You can measure distance traveled, energy used or work done.

What is the kinetic energy of a falling nickel?

The kinetic energy of a falling nickel can be calculated using the formula KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the nickel, and v is its velocity. Additional information about the mass and velocity is needed to calculate the exact kinetic energy.

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What is the distance between kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic and potential energy are a type of energy, not a measurement of distance.

How do you solve the time by the given of mass and kinetic energy?

To solve for time using mass and kinetic energy, you would need more information. Kinetic energy depends on both mass and velocity, while time is a measure of the duration of an event. Without knowing the velocity or distance traveled, it is not possible to directly calculate time from mass and kinetic energy.

How does kinetic energy affect the stopping distance from a small car compared to a larger car?

A larger car will have more kinetic energy due to its greater mass and speed, leading to a longer stopping distance compared to a smaller car with less kinetic energy. The larger car will require more distance to decelerate and come to a stop due to its higher kinetic energy.

A particle is projected at 60 degree to the horizontal with a kinetic energy k the kinetic energy at highest point is?

At the highest point of the particle's trajectory, its kinetic energy will be zero because it momentarily comes to a stop at that point. Potential energy will be at a maximum at this point.

How do you clculate the speed of an object if you know the mass and work?

You cannot directly calculate the speed of an object knowing only its mass and work. Speed is determined by the object's kinetic energy, which is related to both its mass and velocity. To calculate speed, you would need more information such as the object's kinetic energy or the distance traveled.

If you double the speed of a car you increase its force of impact by how many times?

four times as great

Is work and kinetic energy equal the same thing?

No, work and kinetic energy are not the same thing. Work is the transfer of energy that results from a force acting over a distance, while kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. Work can change an object's kinetic energy by transferring energy to or from it.

Is kinetic energy a force or motion or energy?

Kinetic energy is a form of energy associated with an object's motion. It is the energy an object possesses due to its motion and is dependent on its mass and speed. Kinetic energy is not a force itself, but it is related to the concept of work, which involves the application of a force to move an object over a distance.

If a force of 600N had acted over the same distance what would have been the gain in kinetic energy?

The change in kinetic energy would be the same regardless of the force applied, as long as the distance remains constant. If a force of 600N acted over the same distance, the gain in kinetic energy would still be 4000 J (based on the original example of 2000N force).

How does kinetic energy affect the stopping distance of a vehicle?

The kinetic energy of a vehicle is directly related to its speed. A vehicle with higher kinetic energy (higher speed) will require a longer stopping distance as more energy needs to be dissipated to bring the vehicle to a stop. This is why speeding increases the likelihood of accidents as it reduces the time available to stop.

How do you find force while given kinetic energy and distance?

To find force using kinetic energy and distance, you need more information. You also need the time taken to cover the distance or the speed at which the object is moving. With this additional information, you can apply the work-energy principle, which relates the work done on an object to its change in kinetic energy to calculate the force.

How does kinetic energy is delivered to you?

By any source of electrical power moving any object any amount of distance. Because kinetic energy is the ability to move something with a force. So without kinetic energy it would be stored energy called potential energy.