In theory, an element is made up of just one kind of atom and a compound is made up of two or more different elements that have formed a chemical bond. Empirically, there are lots of tests and measurements that you can make, as a chemist, to investigate the nature of any given substance. It's really too complex a subject to present fully in this answer.
Theoretically, an element is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom, while a compound is a substance composed of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Empirically, elements can be identified using techniques like spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction to determine their atomic structure, while compounds can be identified using methods like elemental analysis and mass spectrometry to determine their chemical composition.
Go get in bed naked with your grandma, and see if you can distinguish that.
To determine if a substance is a mixture or a compound, you can use physical and chemical properties. Mixtures have variable compositions and can be separated by physical means. Compounds have fixed compositions and can only be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions. Analyzing the behavior of the substance under different conditions can help distinguish between a mixture and a compound.
They both have the word COMPOUND :)
HeH2 does not exist as a stable molecule. It is theoretically possible to form a compound with one helium atom and two hydrogen atoms, but the extremely weak binding forces between helium and hydrogen make it highly unstable and difficult to create or observe.
A molecule is the smallest unit of a chemical substance that retains its chemical properties, consisting of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. A compound is a substance composed of two or more different elements chemically bonded together in fixed proportions. In essence, all compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.
One chemical property that can be used to distinguish between two compounds is their reactivity with a specific reagent to form a unique product. For example, if compound A reacts with a specific metal to form a colored precipitate while compound B does not, this difference in reactivity can be used to distinguish between the two compounds.
One statement to distinguish between Compound A and Compound B based on a chemical property could be their reactivity with acid. If Compound A reacts with acid to produce a gas, while Compound B does not, this difference in chemical behavior can be used to differentiate between the two compounds.
Only one of these occurs naturally.
how can you distinguish between them
distinguish between book keeping and accounting
what is distinguish between bookkeeping and accounting? what is distinguish between bookkeeping and accounting? what is distinguish between bookkeeping and accounting?
Distinguish Between Accounting Convention And Aoncept
A common meaning of distinguish is to notice or recognize a difference between people or things. If you are color blind, you may be unable to distinguish between red and green.
) Distinguish clearly between analysis of variance and analysis of covariance.
There is no difference between saturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. If you meant saturated fatty acids and UNsaturated fatty acids, then the unsaturated ones are the ones with double (or, theoretically, triple) bonds in the carbon chain.
distinguish between price elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand
Electrical conductivity can be used to distinguish between magnesium oxide and silicon(IV) oxide because magnesium oxide is an ionic compound that conducts electricity due to the presence of mobile ions, while silicon(IV) oxide is a covalent compound that does not have mobile ions and therefore does not conduct electricity. Conducting a simple electrical conductivity test on the two substances can help differentiate between them based on their conductive properties.