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Q: How do you determine whether a star is moving closer or farther away from us?
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Planets and comets move faster when they are closer to the sun.

Will a planet or comet be moving faster in it orbit when it is farther from or closer to the sun?

Planets and comets move faster when they are closer to the sun.

Is the moon moving closer to the Earth or farther away?

The moon is moving further away by 1.5cm from the Earth every year.

Does the size of an object appear to change as the observer moves closer to or farther away from the object?

Yes, the size of an object can appear to change as the observer moves closer to or farther away from the object due to perspective. When an observer moves closer to an object, it may appear larger, and when moving farther away, it may appear smaller.

How could you tell whether a police car is chasing you or moving away from you from sound waves?

If the police car is chasing you, the sound waves will have a higher frequency and intensity as it approaches you. As the police car moves away, the sound waves will have a lower frequency and intensity. This change in frequency and intensity can help you determine whether the police car is getting closer or farther away.

What evidence can prove that the ocean floor was moving?

Oceanic crust that was farther away from a mid-ocean ridge was older that crust closer to the ridge

Do galaxies farther go faster than ones closer?

Yes, in general, galaxies that are farther away from us tend to be moving away at faster speeds. This is due to the expansion of the universe, where the farther apart two objects are, the faster they appear to be moving away from each other. This phenomenon is described by Hubble's law.

Is a star shifting to the red spectrum moving closer or farther from us?

If it were moving it would be moving away from our perspective. However, just because a star is shifting spectrum does not mean that it is moving; it could be entering the next stage of the star life cycle.

What evidence proved the ocean floor was moving?

oceanic crust that was farther away from a mid-ocean ridge was older than crust closer to the ridge

Is the Moon's orbital wobble changing from east west to north south and what will the effect be on Earth with Mars moving closer to the moon and is it pushing the moon closer to Earth?

The moon doesn't wobble, if you refer to the movement commonly called 'libration'. That is an apparent motion only, and not a true motion of the moon. There is both east/west libration and north/south libration, and they are independent of one another. Mars is not pushing the moon closer to earth. On average, the moon is very slowly moving farther and farther from the earth, not closer.

How does a beluga whale determine whether a fish is moving away from it or toward it?

By using the Doppler effect

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