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If your reading this I am stuck in the year 1953, go to the Giant Eagle in Hudson Ohio. A man named Dildo will be there. Hurry make it fast

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7mo ago

Tissue depth markers on CT or MRI images can be determined by measuring the distance from the skin surface to specific anatomical landmarks or structures within the tissue. Radiologists use these measurements to guide diagnoses, treatments, and surgical planning by localizing structures of interest within the body. This information helps to ensure accurate and safe interventions for patients.

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Q: How do you determine tissue depth markers?
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What is a tissue depth marker?

Tissue depth markers are thin wooden dowels or vinyl marker that are attached to specific anthropological landmarks on an unidentified skull to simulate the average tissue depth for that area. The depths include the muscles, fat and skin in one measurement. Because there is very little variation of tissue depths between races and sexes, the current tissue depth tables merge all data from thousands of sources.

How can a forensic anthropologist may reconstruct a face on a skull?

A forensic anthropologist can reconstruct a face on a skull by using facial approximation techniques, such as tissue depth markers or computer software programs. By taking measurements of the skull and estimating the thickness of facial tissue at key points, they can create a facial reconstruction that approximates the individual's appearance. Soft tissue depth data and population-specific standards are also used to inform the process.

How could you determine if a tissue you are looking at could only be from a heart?

To determine if a tissue sample could only be from a heart, you would need to observe specific characteristics unique to heart tissue, such as striations, intercalated discs, and branching fibers. Additionally, conducting tests for specific heart markers, such as troponin or myoglobin, can help confirm the tissue's origin. It is also essential to consider the surrounding context and clinical information to accurately identify the tissue.

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What tissue layers involved in incisIon?

During an incision, the tissue layers typically involved include the skin, subcutaneous tissue (fatty tissue beneath the skin), and muscle tissue. The specific layers will depend on the depth and location of the incision.

What are the plant markers on the ski jump?

They are for depth perception for the jumpers, a solid white canvas is impossible to read otherwise.

What is the depth of a pool that is 288 square feet?

It is impossible to determine the depth if only the surface area is known.

Scientists use a what to determine if a transformation was successful?

Scientists use a genetic marker to determine the success of a transformation. Genetic markers will change if the transformation has succeeded.

How do you determine the Volume of water based on area?

You cannot. Area is a 2-dimentional concept and volume is 3-dimensional. Unless you know the depth (or average depth) you cannot determine the volume.

What is a tumor marker?

Tumor markers are substances, usually proteins, that are produced by the body in response to cancer growth or by the cancer tissue itself.

What is the principal of depth gauge?

A depth gauge measures the depth of an object underwater by using water pressure to determine the distance from the surface. The principle behind it is that pressure increases with depth, allowing the gauge to calculate the depth based on the pressure readings it receives.

What cells determine function of primary tissue types?

Embryonic stem cells are naturally pluripotent and can make any tissue type.