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The best way to determine the organic content of a soil sample is the following:

1. First weigh the lab vessel that you will be putting your sample in and write it down.

2. Scoop in 5 g of the sample into the vessel then weigh it again.

3. Subtract the weight of the vessel by the weight you got in #2. This is your starting weight.

4. After adjusting the muffler furnace to 360 C, put the soil sample you have measured out that is in the lab container in the furnace for two hours.

5. After two hours, put on heat resistant gloves and take out the sample to allow it to cool. It will be very hot, much too hot to handle at the moment.

6. When it is cool, weigh the sample again, and just like in #3, subtract the weight of the vessel to this sample weight and you will get the weight of the sample without the weight of the organic matter.

7. Now divide the weight of the of the soil without the organic matter by the starting weight (which should be 5 g), then multiply by 100. This will give you the amount of soil in the sample. Now subtract by 100 from this amount and you will get the amount of organic matter in the soil.

For example,

If the end weight is 4.7g, then 4.7/5.0 = 0.94, which means that 0.94 x 100= 94%. Therefore, 100-94 = 6% of the soil sample is composed of organic matter.

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3mo ago

The organic content of a soil sample can be determined by measuring the amount of carbon present in the sample using methods like Walkley-Black or loss on ignition. These methods involve burning off the organic matter and measuring the resulting carbon dioxide or ash content to calculate the organic content of the soil.

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