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The altitude at which the celestial equator intersects your local meridian is the complement

of your latitude, i.e. the difference between your latitude and 90 degrees.

On the equator: Your latitude is zero. (90 - 0) = 90. Celestial equator passes overhead.

At the pole: Your latitude is 90. (90 - 90) = 0. Celestial equator coincides with the horizon.

In New Orleans, Louisiana, or Durban, South Africa: Your latitude is 30. (90 - 30) = 60.

Celestial equator intersects local meridian at 60 degrees above the horizon.

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1mo ago

To determine the altitude at which the celestial equator cuts the meridian, you need to know your latitude. The altitude will be equal to your latitude. If you are at the equator (0° latitude), the celestial equator will cut the meridian at 90° altitude. At the North Pole (90° latitude), the celestial equator will be 0° altitude.

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when it warms up

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Q: How do you determine the altitude at which the celestial equator cuts the meridian?
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What imaginary line can be used to measure the motion of celestial object?

The celestial equator is an imaginary line in the sky that is used to measure the motion of celestial objects. It is a projection of Earth's equator into space and helps astronomers locate objects in the sky based on their declination.

In the horizon coordinate system altitude-azimuth how many degrees does a star at the celestial equator move in 1 hour and how many arcseconds does the star move in 1 second of time?

A star at the celestial equator will move 15 degrees in altitude per hour, and 15 arcseconds in 1 second of time. This is because the celestial equator intersects the celestial sphere at 90 degrees from the north and south celestial poles, so the stars appear to move in circles around the celestial poles.

How far from zenith is the celestial equator when it crosses the celestial?

The celestial equator is always 90° from the celestial poles, so when it crosses the celestial meridian (the line passing from the north to the south celestial pole through the zenith), it is 90° away from the zenith.

What does the vernal equinox on the celestial sphere correspond to on geographic maps?

The vernal equinox on the celestial sphere corresponds to the Prime Meridian on geographic maps. This is where the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. On maps, the Prime Meridian serves as the reference point for measuring longitude and is located at 0 degrees.

What are the three names for the equator?

The equator is also known as the line of equator, equinoctial line, and celestial equator.

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What imaginary line can be used to measure the motion of celestial object?

The celestial equator is an imaginary line in the sky that is used to measure the motion of celestial objects. It is a projection of Earth's equator into space and helps astronomers locate objects in the sky based on their declination.

In the horizon coordinate system altitude-azimuth how many degrees does a star at the celestial equator move in 1 hour and how many arcseconds does the star move in 1 second of time?

A star at the celestial equator will move 15 degrees in altitude per hour, and 15 arcseconds in 1 second of time. This is because the celestial equator intersects the celestial sphere at 90 degrees from the north and south celestial poles, so the stars appear to move in circles around the celestial poles.

How far from zenith is the celestial equator when it crosses the celestial?

The celestial equator is always 90° from the celestial poles, so when it crosses the celestial meridian (the line passing from the north to the south celestial pole through the zenith), it is 90° away from the zenith.

What does the vernal equinox on the celestial sphere correspond to on geographic maps?

The vernal equinox on the celestial sphere corresponds to the Prime Meridian on geographic maps. This is where the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. On maps, the Prime Meridian serves as the reference point for measuring longitude and is located at 0 degrees.

What is the name for a piece of equipment that measures a ships distance from the equator?

The usual device is a sextant, which measures the altitude (angle above the horizon) of stars or the Sun crossing the meridian (i.e. due south). The latitude can then be calcuated after looking up the declination of the object in tables, for example in the Nautical Almanac. A star (or the Sun) on the (celestial) equator has an altitude of 90 minus the latitude, so in general a star's altitude is 90 - latitude + declination, when it is due south. The ship's latitude is therefore 90 - altitude + declination. The distance from the equator in nautical miles is the latitude (in degrees) times 60.

What are the three names for the equator?

The equator is also known as the line of equator, equinoctial line, and celestial equator.

What is the projection of earths equator on the celestial sphere?

Celestial Equator

What is a stars location determined by?

A star's location is determined by its position in the sky relative to other celestial objects. This is often described using coordinates such as right ascension and declination, or azimuth and altitude. These coordinates help astronomers locate and track stars in the night sky.

What is the maximum altitude of moon at 42 degrees north latitude?

Maximum inclination of moon's orbit to the ecliptic = 5.3°Current inclination of the ecliptic to the celestial equator = 23.4°Moon's maximum declination = 5.3° + 23.4° = + 28.7°Maximum altitude of the celestial equator at 42° north latitude = 90° - 42° = 48°Moon's maximum altitude at 42° north latitude = 48° + 28.7° = 76.7°

What is a meridian in the solar system?

In the solar system, a meridian is an imaginary line that runs from the north pole to the south pole of a planet or celestial body, passing through its equator. It is used as a reference point for navigation and determining locations on the surface of planets and moons.

Does The celestial equator always pass directly overhead?

No, the celestial equator does not always pass directly overhead. The position of the celestial equator in the sky is determined by the observer's latitude on Earth. If the observer is located at the equator, the celestial equator will pass directly overhead. However, for observers at different latitudes, the celestial equator will appear at an angle to the horizon.

What are the differences between equator and prime meridian?

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