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Q: How do you describe the location of vacant land?
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What is unused land called?

Unused land is typically referred to as "vacant land" or "undeveloped land." This term is used to describe land that is not currently being used for any specific purpose or development.

What is the general liability class code for vacant land?

49451. Vacant land. Rural including products and/or completed operations

Insurance on vacant land?

Coverage for truly vacant land is automatically extended from most homeowners policies at no additional cost. The catch is that vacant land is considered land free from any man made structures and activities, which would include fences etc.

Does real estate development include the purchase of vacant or raw land?

Real estate development includes the purchase of vacant or raw land

Is vacant file a wrong english phrase?

If there is nothing in a file, I would describe it an an empty file rather than a vacant file. Houses are vacant, if no one lives in them.

What liability insurance coverage can be obtained for vacant land?

Whatever coverage amount you wish and that the company will accept, You can obtain liability insurance on vacant land.

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Words to describe an empty place?

vacant uninhabited untenanted

Is vacant land in another state covered for liability on a homeowners policy?

A standard homeowner's policy covers liability claims arising out of any vacant land owned by and insured.For coverage to apply, the land must be truly vacant, not used for farming, no structures, etc.

What are some words that begin with the letter V and describe being late?

vacant - When the football game began, your seats were still vacant.

Can you file bankruptcy if you own vacant land?

Of course

What might one need to know before purchasing a plot of vacant land?

There are a lot of things that one need to know before purchasing a plot of vacant land. However, some of the most important things are location, the costs involved, zoning restrictions, ordinances and covenants, Utilities, Road access, easements, surveying, flooding, and permits.