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It's call saturation point ;)

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8mo ago

The point when salt stops dissolving in water is called saturation. At this point, the water has reached its maximum capacity to dissolve the salt, and any additional salt added will not dissolve and instead will settle at the bottom.

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Q: How do you call the point when salt stop dissolving in water?
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What is the purpose of salt or sugar dissolving in water?

Sugar turns water into gatorade. Salt can be used to raise the boiling point or lower the freezing point of water.

Is there a chemical that can stop water from evaporating?

Dissolving any salt into water will raise the boiling point.

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Dissolving salt in fresh water.

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What is the effect of dissolving salt in water on boiling point of water?

Dissolving salt in water increases the boiling point of water. This is because the salt disrupts the hydrogen bonds between water molecules, making it more difficult for them to escape as vapor. As a result, more heat is needed to raise the temperature of the solution to its boiling point.

Is dissolving salt in water a physical or chemical change?

Dissolving salt in water is a physical change because the salt molecules stay intact and only disperse in the water, without undergoing a chemical reaction.

Effect of common salt on ice?

Dissolving a salt (NaCl, CaCl2) in water the heat of dissolution is released and the melting point of ice is then decreased.

Where is salt water made?

Salt water is obtained by dissolving sodium chloride in water.

What bible verse relates to the dissolving of salt in hot and cold water?

There is no specific Bible verse that mentions the dissolving of salt in hot and cold water. The Bible does mention salt in various contexts, such as being the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13) and using salt as a metaphor for seasoning or flavoring in cooking.

Is salt mix in water a saturated solution?

When you first mix the salt into the solution the salt will dissolve into the water. As you keep on pouring more salt into the water eventually the salt will stop dissolving and once the salt stops dissolving the solution is then saturated.

Do you need a 9volt battery to make a crystal?

No. You can make a crystal by dissolving something such as salt into hot water until no more will dissolve, and then cooling the solution. Or by dissolving something such as salt into water and gradually evaporating the water away, or by cooling a liquid , or a vapour below its triple point.

Is dissolving salt into water a physical property?
