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Use the Rydberg formula.

A useful article about this is on Wikipedia.

It is called "Hydrogen spectral series".

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Q: How do you calculate the second wavelength in the Paschen series?
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What is the series limit for paschen series of helium ion?

The Paschen series of helium ion refers to transitions ending at the n=3 energy level. The series limit for the Paschen series of helium ion occurs when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to the n=3 energy level. This results in the emission of photons in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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The absorption lines in the infrared portion of the spectrum of a star produced by hydrogen are primarily the Paschen series. These lines are transitions of electrons in hydrogen atoms from higher energy levels to the third energy level (n=3). Typical Paschen series lines in the infrared include Paschen-alpha at 1.875 μm and Paschen-beta at 1.282 μm.

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In ascending order of the lower energy state involved in the transition, the first six families of lines in the hydrogen spectrum are: Lyman series Balmer series Paschen series Brackett series Pfund series Humphreys series

Which spectrum of hydrogen consists of the Lyman Balmer and Paschen series?

The Lyman series consists of transitions to the n=1 state, the Balmer series to the n=2 state, and the Paschen series to the n=3 state in the hydrogen atom. Each series represents a specific range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by hydrogen when electrons transition between these energy levels.

Determine the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the lines of the Paschen series are observed?

The Paschen series lines are observed in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, specifically in the range between approximately 820 nm to 1220 nm. These spectral lines correspond to transitions within the hydrogen atom where electrons move from higher energy levels to the third energy level (n=3).

How do you calculate series?

Kirchoff's second law......... Sum of the current at any junction equals to zero.

How do you calculate series current?

Kirchoff's second law......... Sum of the current at any junction equals to zero.

What is the wavelength of the hydrogen atom in the 2nd line of the Balmer series?

The wavelength of the hydrogen atom in the 2nd line of the Balmer series is approximately 486 nm. This corresponds to the transition of an electron from the third energy level to the second energy level in the hydrogen atom.

Which color of light - in the visible hydrogen spectrum - has photons of the shortest wavelength?

The visible color violet has the shortest wavelength. Just remember Roy G. Biv where the "R" means red, "o" means orange, "y" means yellow, "G" means green, "B" means blue, "i" means indigo, and "v" means violet. :)

If your eyes could see a slightly wider region of the electromagnetic spectrum you would see a fifth line in the Balmer series emission spectrum Calculate the wavelength lambda associated with the fif?

The Balmer series for hydrogen consists of four spectral lines in the visible region. If there were a fifth line, its wavelength could be calculated using the formula 1/λ = RH(1/4^2 - 1/n^2), where RH is the Rydberg constant and n is the energy level. Plugging in the values, the fifth line wavelength would be smaller than the existing lines in the series.

What is ratio of maximum and minimum wavelength of balmer series?

5:9 ,i am not sure (;

What is the maximum wavelength of balmer series?

The Balmer series is a series of spectral lines in the hydrogen spectrum that corresponds to transitions from energy levels n > 2 to the n=2 level. The longest wavelength in the Balmer series corresponds to the transition from n = ∞ to n = 2, known as the Balmer limit, which is approximately 656.3 nm.