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You can't "calculate" both.

If you know the wattage & the line voltage then I = P / E

and vice-versa.

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3d ago

To calculate current passing through a light globe, you can use Ohm's Law: current (I) = voltage (V) / resistance (R). To calculate voltage across a light globe, you can rearrange Ohm's Law to solve for voltage: voltage (V) = current (I) * resistance (R). Just make sure you know the resistance of the light globe in ohms.

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How many volts is 600 ohms?

To calculate the voltage across a 600-ohm resistor, you also need to know the current passing through it. Using Ohm's Law (V = I * R), where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance, you can determine the voltage.

What is the amount of electric energy supplied if the current and voltage are doubled?

If both current and voltage are doubled, the amount of electric energy supplied will increase by a factor of 4. This is because energy is proportional to the square of the voltage and current (Energy = Voltage x Current x Time). So, doubling both voltage and current results in four times the original energy supplied.

Are resistor drops the voltage or current?

Resistors drop voltage by creating a voltage difference across themselves. This voltage drop is determined by the resistance value of the resistor and the current flowing through it, according to Ohm's Law (V=IR). The current passing through a resistor remains constant if the resistor is in series with other components in a circuit.

How many volts is 450 watts?

To calculate the voltage, you need to know the current (amperage) as well. The formula to calculate power (watts) given voltage (volts) and current (amps) is: Power (P) = Voltage (V) x Current (I). Without knowing the current, it is not possible to directly convert watts to volts.

How voltage is 350kv to watts?

To convert voltage to watts, you also need to know the current in the circuit. The formula to calculate power (watts) is: power = voltage x current. As voltage alone is given, you would also need the current flowing through the circuit to accurately determine the power in watts. Without the current value, it is not possible to convert voltage directly to watts.

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What can be inferred about the current passing through the bulb?

The current passing through the bulb is directly related to the voltage applied across it and the resistance of the bulb. Using Ohm's Law (I = V/R), we can calculate the current flowing through the bulb by knowing the voltage and resistance values. Additionally, the brightness of the bulb can also be an indicator of the current passing through it, as higher current typically results in a brighter bulb.

How many volts is 600 ohms?

To calculate the voltage across a 600-ohm resistor, you also need to know the current passing through it. Using Ohm's Law (V = I * R), where V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance, you can determine the voltage.

How calculate unknown resistance?

To calculate an unknown resistance, you can use Ohm's Law, which states that resistance (R) equals voltage (V) divided by current (I). You can measure the voltage across the unknown resistance using a multimeter and the current flowing through it using an ammeter. Then, you can divide the voltage by the current to calculate the resistance.

What is the amount of electric energy supplied if the current and voltage are doubled?

If both current and voltage are doubled, the amount of electric energy supplied will increase by a factor of 4. This is because energy is proportional to the square of the voltage and current (Energy = Voltage x Current x Time). So, doubling both voltage and current results in four times the original energy supplied.

What is the voltage across the load R when the switch is ON?

It's the product of the resistance of that resistive load and the current passing through it.

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How do you calculate the power rating of a bulb?

The power rating of a bulb is calculated by multiplying the voltage across the bulb by the current passing through it. The formula is P = V * I, where P is power in watts, V is voltage in volts, and I is current in amperes. This calculation helps determine the amount of energy the bulb consumes during operation.

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How do you calculate current flow?

Current flow can be calculated using Ohm's Law, which states that current (I) is equal to the voltage (V) divided by the resistance (R), represented by the formula I = V/R. By measuring the voltage across a circuit and knowing the resistance, you can calculate the current flowing through it.

What current will flow through the heating coil when the heater is plugged in?

The current flowing through the heating coil will depend on the resistance of the coil and the voltage of the power source. Using Ohm's Law (I = V/R), where I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance, you can calculate the current. The higher the voltage or lower the resistance, the higher the current.

Can you calculate power by multiplying voltage and current?

Not enough information. Power = current x voltage. Since voltage can be anything, there is no way to calculate power. Time is irrelevant; though once you have the power, it can help you calculate energy (energy = power x time).