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In chromatography, Rf is the distance the solute travels divided by the distance the mobile phase travels. For example, in thin layer chromatography, if the spot travels 7 cm, and the mobile phase travels 15 cm, the Rf value for that spot will be 7/15 = 0.47

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3mo ago

You calculate the retention factor (Rf) by dividing the distance traveled by the compound (spot) by the distance traveled by the solvent (mobile phase). This can be expressed as Rf = distance spot traveled / distance solvent front traveled. Rf values help in identifying and characterizing compounds based on their specific migration behavior in chromatography.

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15y ago

Distance travelled by the centre of the spot / Distance travelled by solvent

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Q: How do you calculate Rf in chromatography?
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What is the Rf value of any insoluble dye?

Since insoluble dyes do not move with the solvent front during chromatography, they do not have an Rf value. Rf values are only calculated for substances that show movement during chromatography.

What is the Rf value of 4-aminophenol?

The Rf value of 4-aminophenol depends on the specific chromatography conditions used. It is typically around 0.6-0.7 in most common chromatography systems.

What is Rf value?

Rf value, or retention factor, is a measure used in chromatography to quantify the separation of components in a mixture. It is calculated by measuring the distance a compound travels up the chromatography plate relative to the distance the solvent front travels. Rf value is specific to the solvent system and chromatography conditions used.

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The Rf value of xanthophyll can vary depending on the specific conditions of a given chromatography experiment. However, in general, the Rf value of xanthophyll is typically around 0.6 to 0.7 when using silica gel chromatography with acetone and hexane as the mobile phase.

How can you determine the purity of amino acid using paper chromatography?

To determine the purity of an amino acid using paper chromatography, you would first need to separate the amino acids using paper chromatography. Once the amino acids are separated on the paper, you can calculate the Rf value (retention factor) for each amino acid. Comparing the Rf values of the sample amino acid to a standard of known purity can help determine the purity of the sample.

If a chromatogram is run for a longer period of timem will the Rf values increase for each pigment?

No, the Rf values will not increase for each pigment with a longer chromatography run time. The Rf value is a constant characteristic of a compound in a particular solvent system and is not affected by the duration of the chromatography run.

How do you measure Rf?

Rf value = distance traveled by a compound/distance traveled by a constant.Source:

What is an rf value used for?

The rf value is shorthand for the retention value of a substance. It is used in chromatography to determine the components of an unknown sample.

How do you calculate RF Value?

RF value is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the compound by the distance traveled by the solvent in a chromatography experiment. It is a ratio and has no units. The RF value is a useful tool for identifying compounds and is unique to each compound.

How is rf factor in chromatography calculated?

The Rf factor in chromatography is calculated by dividing the distance the compound travels by the solvent front by the distance the solvent front traveled from the origin. The formula is: Rf = Distance traveled by compound / Distance traveled by solvent front. The Rf value is useful for identifying compounds based on their relative mobility in a given solvent system.

How do you work out RF value?

Rf = distance to color/distance to front line

What is the significance of Rf value in chromatography?

The Rf value, or retention factor, in chromatography is a measure of how far a compound travels in relation to the solvent front in a chromatogram. It helps in identifying and characterizing compounds based on their movement and separation in the chromatographic system. Comparing Rf values can aid in qualitative analysis, determination of purity, and identification of unknown components within a sample.