You can't. Due to them being on the endangered list they're only able to be sold in the state the breeder is in, they're not allowed to be shipped/transported out of that state. If you want a tamarin and the breeder is in another state you'd need to look at the red handed tamarins.
You can contact the breeder to discuss shipping options or ask for recommendations on reputable animal transporters who can safely deliver the cotton-top tamarin to you. It's important to ensure that the transporter has experience handling and transporting small primates to avoid stress on the animal. Transport regulations may vary by state, so make sure to check and comply with any legal requirements for importing a cotton-top tamarin.
You can work with a breeder to arrange for transportation of the cotton-top tamarins to your state. Some breeders may be able to ship animals using a reputable animal transportation service. Be sure to check the laws and regulations regarding the transportation and ownership of exotic animals in your state before making any purchases.
In Maine, you can buy consumer fireworks, which are non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks. These include sparklers, fountains, and ground spinners, among others. Remember to check local regulations and restrictions before purchasing fireworks.
This GPS will run you about $200, in the state of Maine and everywhere else. You can buy this online at
The legality of Phantom Fireworks varies depending on the state or local laws. It's important to check with your local authorities regarding the rules and regulations surrounding the use and sale of fireworks in your area.
Depending on the city/state's regulations on the purchase of fireworks..... it is strongly recommended that you can't buy fireworks over the internet because the United States Postal Service will confiscate the package of fireworks being sent to your mailling adrress. No one wants to spend money on things that they cant get.
You can work with a breeder to arrange for transportation of the cotton-top tamarins to your state. Some breeders may be able to ship animals using a reputable animal transportation service. Be sure to check the laws and regulations regarding the transportation and ownership of exotic animals in your state before making any purchases.
You can be the breeder or buy it.
you can look for a breeder somewhere in canada and i do know that somewhere out there is a breeder.
Manx cat breeder.
You can buy them from a breeder online. Most breeders will not ship, but some will. Be familiar with your state's laws on exotic pets, and be familiar with the animal before deciding to purchase one as a companion.
buy some pigs
From a pet store or a breeder.
Go to the store.
It doesn't matter too much, but you should buy from a breeder. If you end up adopting, the dog will love you the same..
From a legal point of view - I'd say no. I'm British - but I'd guess the law in your state is in relation to 'possession' of a specific species - rather than where it came from !
it deepens how old it is and who is the breeder