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Q: How do you a labeled diagram of plant and animal cell microbes including?
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Where is protease obtained?

Proteases can be obtained from various sources, including plant extracts, animal tissues, and microbes like bacteria and fungi. They are also produced synthetically for various industrial and research applications.

What percentage of the then existing species went extinct as a result of the KT boundary event?

It is estimated that around 75% of plant and animal species, including dinosaurs, went extinct as a result of the KT boundary event.

3 advantages of microbes?

Microbes play a crucial role in various ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, and soil formation. Certain types of microbes are utilized in biotechnological applications like food fermentation, bioremediation, and pharmaceutical production. Microbes contribute to human and animal health by aiding in digestion, producing vitamins, and influencing the immune system.

Was an animal sent to mars?

No live animal has been sent to Mars. However, various robotic missions have been deployed to explore the planet, including rovers like Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance.

How do you break down cellulose in grass to make it eatable?

Cellulose in grass can be broken down by ruminant animals such as cows, sheep, and goats that have specialized stomachs with microbes that produce enzymes to digest cellulose. The microbes ferment the cellulose into simpler compounds that the animal can absorb and use for energy. Humans, however, cannot digest cellulose as efficiently due to the lack of these specialized enzymes.

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neat diagram

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Where do rumen microbes come from?

The ruminant's microbes essentially come from what the animal eats as well as the reproductive activity that goes on in the rumen when like microbes interact to produce new offspring before they die.

Name one good thing microbes do?

Microbes actually do quite a few good things but their most important job is breaking down dead animals and plants. Microbes actually consume dead plant and animal matter.

What group of microbes break down dead plants and animals and animal waste?


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What is the smallest animal that kills the most people?

What about microbes and viruses? If you mean like land animal, I think it's the black widow

Would animal products that may have consumed GMOs be required to have a label?

No, they would not be required to be labeled. No foods that contain GMOs are required to be labeled as such.

Diagram of a animal with 5 labels of 5-10 parts of it's body?

I'm unable to draw diagrams. However, here is a description of an animal with labels for 5-10 body parts: Head: contains eyes, ears, and mouth Torso: includes chest and abdomen Limbs: front (arms/legs) and hind (legs) Tail: appendage extending from the rear Paw/foot: used for walking or grasping Fur/feathers: covering for warmth or protection Claws/nails: used for digging or gripping Snout/nose: sense of smell or foraging Whiskers: tactile hairs for sensing surroundings Tail fin: found in aquatic animals for swimming

Is raw meat a microbe?

No, meat is parts of dead animal flesh. Microbes are living single celled organisms. What you may be thinking of is contamination with microbes. Yes, in that case raw meat is often (but not always) contaminated with microbes (often disease causing microbes that can make you very sick or even kill you). This is why meat should always be cooked before being served: to kill these microbes (even harmless ones).

What percentage of the then existing species went extinct as a result of the KT boundary event?

It is estimated that around 75% of plant and animal species, including dinosaurs, went extinct as a result of the KT boundary event.

Where can one view an animal cell diagram?

One can view an animal cell diagram in literature from their local libraries. This information can also be found on information sites such as Wikipedia and National Geographic.