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Solar flares can be predicted by monitoring the activity on the sun's surface using instruments like solar telescopes. Scientists can detect signs such as sunspots and solar prominences that indicate an increased likelihood of solar flares occurring. Additionally, advancements in technology allow for real-time monitoring of solar activity, helping to provide warnings of potential solar flares.

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Q: How do we know solar flares are coming?
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Are flares of electrically charged particles coming off of sunspots.?

the answer is in the question its solar flares

Are flares of electrically charged particles coming off of sunspots?

the answer is in the question its solar flares

How solar flares and solar prominences differ.?

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What is a other name for solar flares?

Solar flares are also known as solar storms or solar eruptions.

How are solar flares related to the sun?

Solar flares happen on the Sun

What do solar flares discharge?

Solar flares discharge radiation and charged particles.

Electrically charged flares that arch up from the sun are known as?

solar flare or solar prominences

What were the most explosive events to occur on the sun?

Solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and solar prominences are some of the most explosive events to occur on the sun. Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation, while CMEs release colossal amounts of solar material into space. Solar prominences are large loops of plasma extending from the sun's surface.

What are violent explosions from sunspots in which gas and tremendous amounts of energy are blasted into space away from the Sun?

They are known as solar flares.

Does the sun have pimples?

No, but it does have solar flares. Solar flares are small explosions that happen on the sun everyday.

What are flares of electrically charged particles coming off of sunspots?

Flares of electrically charged particles, also known as solar flares, are intense bursts of energy released by the Sun's magnetic fields. They can occur near sunspots, which are dark regions on the Sun's surface with strong magnetic activity. Solar flares can emit electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum and impact space weather, potentially affecting satellites, power grids, and communication systems on Earth.

The sun produces big explosions of energy called?

These are called Solar Flares .