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Q: How do water lilies adapt in deep water?
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How do lilies adapt?

in color

Where can the water spider be found?

water spiders are found in the swamp zone of a pond (very close to the edge of the deep water zone). They are generally found where water lilies are growing....

When was Water Lilies Food created?

Water Lilies Food was created in 1995.

How water lily are adapted to the water?

Water lilies have adaptations that allow them to thrive in water, such as thin and flat leaves that float on the surface to maximize photosynthesis, air spaces in their stems and leaves for buoyancy, and long, flexible stems that allow them to adjust to changing water levels. They also have specialized roots that anchor them in the soil at the bottom of the water while absorbing nutrients.

What animals eat water lilies?

Turtles and koi will eat water lilies. Dogs and raccoons will break the pots that water lilies grow in and cause damage. Aphids and snails also cause damage to water lilies.

How do you spell water liles in plural?

It is spelled "water lilies" in plural form.

How does the mesquite bush adapt to the desert?

It is adapted because it uses it's deep roots to find water.

What do lilies eat?

Lilies eat soil, water, nature and algae.

Are water lilies good for ponds?

Pond weed does not eat water lilies, but it does require a large amount of oxygen which often chokes the lilies out of the pond.

How did the manatee adapt to its surroundings?

they avoid deep water and stay in the shallow waters so that they can easily reach food and resurface the water to breathe.

What did people think of Monet's art the water lilies?

The Water Lilies pictures have always been great favorites.

Do water lilies have strong stems?

The water lilies have thick, fleshy creeping underwater stems that are buried in the mud.