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Xylem (water-conducting cells) are dead (no cytoplasm), and form long tubes called vessels (no end walls) The walls are thickened with lignin

Phloem (food transport cells) are living (have cytoplasm) There are two cell types - sieve tubes which conduct the food - they have end walls with perforations (sieve plates) and have no nucleus and companion cells - they don't conduct food but have a nucleus and they support the sieve tubes

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4mo ago

Water-conducting cells, such as xylem cells, transport water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. Food-transporting cells, like phloem cells, move sugars and other nutrients produced during photosynthesis to various parts of the plant for energy and growth. The structures of these cells are specialized for their specific functions, with water-conducting cells having thick walls for support and food-transporting cells having sieve tubes for efficient nutrient transport.

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Q: How do water- conducting cells differ from cells that transport food?
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Why is it impossible for the water conducting cells of xylem to carry on active transport?

Water conducting cells in xylem lack the organelles necessary for active transport functions, such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Their main function is to conduct water and minerals through passive processes like transpiration and cohesion-tension. Additionally, active transport requires energy input, which the non-living xylem cells cannot generate.

Tubes that pull water up from the roots are called?

Xylem cells are responsible for conducting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. These specialized cells create a network of tubes that transport water upward, helping plants maintain their shape and structure.

What is a water conducting tissue of a cell?

The water conducting tissue of a plant cell is called xylem. Xylem is responsible for transporting water from the roots to the rest of the plant, providing hydration and nutrients. It is made up of specialized cells that are adapted for efficient water transport.

In angiosperms xylem consists of tracheids and?

vessels. Tracheids are long, thin cells that transport water and nutrients, while vessels are shorter, wider cells that facilitate efficient water transport. Together, they make up the xylem tissue that plays a crucial role in conducting water and minerals throughout the plant.

In plants vascular tissue made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from its roots is called?

The vascular tissue in plants made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from roots is called xylem. Xylem tissue is responsible for conducting water and nutrients upward from the roots to the rest of the plant.

What is the function of conducting cells?

Conducting cells transport water, nutrients, and other substances through plants. They play a critical role in distributing resources to different parts of the plant to support growth, metabolism, and other physiological processes.

What does the pattern of lignin deposition determine?

The pattern of lignin deposition determines the mechanical strength and water-conducting properties of plant tissues. It provides structural support to plant cells and helps in the transport of water and nutrients throughout the plant.

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Definition of xylem cell?

Xylem cells are specialized plant cells that transport water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. They are involved in providing structural support and maintaining the plant's shape. Xylem cells are typically characterized by thick cell walls and lignin deposits for strength and water-conducting efficiency.

How do non-vascular plants move water?

Through conducting cells by osmosis

How do non vascular plants move water?

Through conducting cells by osmosis

What form chains with overlapping ends are dead when mature?

Water-conducting cells