Volcanoes provide fertile soil for agriculture, geothermal energy for heating and electricity generation, and mineral resources such as precious metals and gemstones. Additionally, volcanic eruptions help to release gases that contribute to the Earth's atmosphere, influencing climate and weather patterns.
You die!
Lots and lots of burning.
no in 1902 a man named charles william said all volcanoes are all dangerous
cause and effect patterns
The mean of prefixes for beneficial is "having a good effect or favorable result."
there is none
You die!
Beneficially, beneficently
People in volcanoes may die and will lose their homes/land when the Volcano erupts.
Volcanoes - which go back to the earliest days of earth as a planet - were here billions of years before man was. Man has never know a time without volcanoes, hence there is no "year that volcanoes got noticed".