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Q: How do trees spread there seeds?
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How can oak trees spread their seeds so new oak trees can grow?

Oak seeds (AKA acorns) are spread by the wind and by animals like squirrels that eat them but also carry them aroound dropping them here and there YES

Are flowers trees and plants related?

To start with, flower and trees ARE plants, which makes them related. They all both spread by nectar or seeds.

Why is deforestation renewable?

With the right conditions and a few trees left to spread seeds or replanting efforts by people, trees and forests regrow over time.

Are kapok trees evergreen?

Yes the Kapok tree does have flowers! The flowers are pollinated and the seeds are spread by fruit bats.

What is the ecological niche of grey squirrel?

Grey squirrels are primarily herbivores that feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and buds. They play a role in seed dispersal and have adapted well to urban environments. They are known to outcompete native squirrels for resources, impacting local biodiversity.

What is the method of dispersal of longan?

Longan seeds are typically dispersed by animals that eat the fruit and then excrete the seeds elsewhere. This process helps to spread the seeds to new areas where they can germinate and grow into new longan trees.

How do desert plants spread their seeds?

they can spread their seeds by growing a flower

Do oak trees have eggs and sperm?

No, Oak trees do not have eggs and sperm. Trees grow through seeds which fall from parent trees and they do not reproduce with mates.

How do oak trees reproduce their seeds?

The trees get pollinated, then seeds for in the form of acorns.

Do trees grow from seeds?

Trees grow from seeds. It depends on what type of tree they are.

What would happen if maple trees stopped making seeds?

The seeds will not grow, and new maple trees would not be produced if maple trees stopped making seeds.

Which trees have spinning seeds?

Trees that have spinning seeds include maple trees, such as the silver maple and sugar maple. These trees produce winged seeds called samaras that spin as they fall to the ground, helping with seed dispersal.