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Q: How do the structures and process of a cell enable it to survive?
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How do cell structures enable a cell to carry out basic life process?

Cell structures allow all the component to exist in one cell as well as in a group of cells. A main purpose of a cell is to organize. Cells hold a variety of pieces and each cell has a different set of functions. It is easier for an organism to grow and survive when cells are present. If you were only made of one cell, you would only be able to grow to a certain size

What is flagellum in a cell?

Flagellum are organelles resembling hairlike structures. They enable movement of the cells in which they are a part of.

How do cell structures enable a cel to carry out basic life processes?

Cell structures allow all the component to exist in one cell as well as in a group of cells. A main purpose of a cell is to organize. Cells hold a variety of pieces and each cell has a different set of functions. It is easier for an organism to grow and survive when cells are present. If you were only made of one cell, you would only be able to grow to a certain size

What organelle is involved in getting energy from food molecules and using it to do work to enable the cell to survive?


How does formation of the cell theory show the process of science?

The formation of the cell theory exemplifies the process of science through its iterative nature. Initially proposed by studying cork cells in the 17th century, it evolved over time with contributions from multiple scientists through observation, experimentation, and validation of their hypotheses. This collaborative and evidence-based approach demonstrates the scientific method in action as ideas are refined and tested to better understand the natural world.

Where does the process of translation take place in the cell structures take place?

Translation takes place in the ribosomes of the cell. Ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm and on the endoplasmic reticulum. During translation, messenger RNA (mRNA) is decoded to synthesize proteins.

What enable cells to reproduce and manufacture the proteins that are necessary for maintaining life?

Cells are able to reproduce and manufacture proteins due to their genetic material (DNA). DNA contains the instructions for making proteins, which are carried out by the cell's machinery, such as ribosomes and enzymes. Through the process of DNA replication and protein synthesis, cells can reproduce and maintain their vital functions.

Cells carry out what process to survive?

Cells use the process of glycolysis in order to survive. Glycolysis is the process by which a cell creates a chemical known as ATP in order to breathe oxygen and create glucose.

What is the general name for sub-cellular structures?

Organelles. Organelles are specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions to help the cell survive and function properly. Examples of organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum.

What is the group of structures perform all of the various functions in the cell?

Organelles are the group of structures within a cell that perform various functions. Each organelle has a specific role, such as the nucleus for genetic information, mitochondria for energy production, and endoplasmic reticulum for protein synthesis. Together, these organelles work collaboratively to maintain the cell's overall function and health.

Would a cell survive if it were to cut in half?

No, a cell cannot survive being cut in half because it would destroy essential organelles and cellular structures necessary for its function and survival. Cutting a cell in half would disrupt its ability to carry out processes such as metabolism, DNA replication, and protein synthesis.

Which cell structures could be aptly nickname the power house of the cell?

Mitochondria are known as the power-houses of the cell as this is where cellular respiration occurs. This is the process that creates the energy a cell needs.