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The base pairings are ALWAYS the same; where Adenine pairs with Thymine and Guanine pairs with Cytosine. As long as there is one strand of DNA with these bases as templates, the other strand can always be determined. DNA replication always uses an old strand and uses it as the template for creating the new strand.

Ex: ATTGCCGTAAT is the old strand of DNA.

The complimentary strand is TAACGGCATTA.

The base pairings will always be the same because of the DNA polymerase which checks the pairings and fixes any mistakes. It is very rare for mistakes to occur.

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15y ago
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1w ago

The rules of base pairing ensure that complementary nucleotides are correctly matched during DNA replication. This helps to minimize errors by ensuring that the correct nucleotides are added to the growing DNA strand. The complementary nature of the base pairs also allows for the proofreading mechanisms to detect and correct any mistakes that may occur.

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13y ago

During transcription of RNA or DNA base pairing is essential to keep cell genetics consistent. In DNA the base pairing formula is what determines everything that is us all the way down to what proteins needed for cellular reproduction to immune functions. Uracil will replace Thiamine during RNA transcription. Mutation will occur if the base pair is changed.

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11y ago

Adenine always pairs with thymine in DNA and uracil in RNA and guanine always pairs with cytosine in both DNA and RNA. The fact that the bases always pair in a specific pattern ensures the accuracy of the mRNA transcribed from the DNA template.

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12y ago

The process of base pairing helps to ensure that DNA is replicated (sorry not sure about transcribed) accurately through the semi-conservative replication methods.

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Q: How do the rules of base pairing help DNA replication happen with few mistakes?
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This is false transcription does not follows the same base-pairing rules as DNA replication except for cytosine which has a different partner. Transcription begins with an enzyme called RNA polymerase.

What are the correct base-pairing rules for DNA?

The correct base-pairing rules for DNA are adenine (A) pairing with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairing with guanine (G). This complementary base pairing allows DNA replication to occur accurately, ensuring genetic information is faithfully transmitted during cell division.

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Which choice below correctly summarizes the base-pairing rules in DNA?

The base-pairing rules in DNA are that adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). This complementary base pairing allows for the accurate replication of DNA during cell division.

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Samples of evidence supporting the base pairing rules include X-ray crystallography studies of DNA structure, experiments showing complementary base pairing in PCR amplification, and genetic studies demonstrating the role of base pairing in maintaining the fidelity of DNA replication.

What is the process in which DNA is separated into two strands then produces two new complementary strands following the rules of base pairing?

DNA replication

What role does complementary base-pairing play in DNA replication?

Complementary base pairing in DNA replication ensures accurate copying of the genetic information. During replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to the template strand based on the base pairing rules (A with T, C with G). This results in two identical daughter DNA molecules.

What pairs with adenine during DNA replication?

DNA polymerases add nucleotides to the exposed base pairs according to base-pairing rules.

How are base pairing rules and complementary base pairs related?

Base pairing rules dictate that in DNA, adenine pairs with thymine (A-T) and cytosine pairs with guanine (C-G). These pairs are called complementary base pairs because they always bond together due to their specific chemical structures and hydrogen bonding capabilities. Together, these rules ensure the accurate replication and transcription of DNA.

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base pairing, where adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. This complementary base pairing ensures that each new strand of DNA is an exact copy of the original strand during replication.

What is the explanation for the process of replication?

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