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Its mainly due to their size, and the fact that Dwarf Planets have not cleared their orbit of enough of the other rocks and planetoids that are also at that orbit. Pluto has not cleared its orbit of enough matter to be deemed a major planet, while all of the remaining 8 planets have.

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Planets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun, have sufficient mass to assume a nearly round shape, and have cleared their orbital path. Dwarf planets, on the other hand, also orbit the sun, but they have not cleared their orbital path of other debris and are smaller than full-fledged planets. An example of a dwarf planet is Pluto.

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Are dwarf planets the same as normal planets?

No, dwarf planets are not the same as normal planets. Dwarf planets differ from normal planets in size, location, and characteristics. They have not cleared their orbits of other debris, which is a key criterion for classifying objects as planets.

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The other planets are not similar to dwarf planets.

What is the name of our dwarf planets?

our dwarf planets are Pluto

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A planet orbits a star. A moon orbits a planet or dwarf planet.

How do you compare dwarf planets from regular planets?

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Actually Dwarf planets are planets which are very small in size and cannot be called planets but not as small to be called asteroids, so the name dwarf planets.

What is the circumference of all the dwarf planets?

i now the radius of the dwarf planets

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No. Planets do not have dwarf planets. A planet-sized object orbiting a larger planet is a moon. Dwarf planets orbit the sun independent of other objects.

What is the different between ordinary planets and dwarf planets?

ordinary planets are a big part of the solar system dwarf planets aren't that important they are considered like stars or asteroids but mainly dwarf planets

Are dwarf planets and minor planets the samet hing?

Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that have enough mass to have a gravitational pull by the sun, but they are not large enough to be considered a regular planet. They are also too big to be satellites. Minor planets are in direct orbit with the sun. They are not dominant planets, and they are not comets. This qualifies all dwarf planets as minor planets. So, to answer your question, not exactly. All dwarf planets are minor planets. But not all minor planets are dwarf planets. Hope this helps you!!

Are dwarf planets round?

Yes. While not considered planets, dwarf planets are still massive enough to be rounded by their gravity.

Which planets are known as dwarf planets?

The five currently recognised Dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.