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Q: How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planets differ from those earth?
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How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planets differ from those of earth?

The gas giant planets have shorter rotation (day) periods compared to Earth. For example, Jupiter's rotation period is about 10 hours, while Earth's is about 24 hours. However, the gas giant planets have longer revolution (year) periods, as they are farther from the sun. For example, Jupiter's revolution period is about 12 Earth years, while Earth's is about 1 year.

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giants differ from those on Earth?

This is a hard question...but the answer is:the gas giants are further away,so the the sun has less gravity power on the gas planets,so the revolution is slower than the inner planets (including Earth). However, the rotation period is faster than Earth. Jupiter's is 9h 55m, Saturn's is 10h 38m, Uranus' is 17h 14m, and Neptune's is 16h 6m.

What is the difference between a planet's period of rotation and period of revolution?

A planet's period of rotation refers to the time it takes to complete one full spin on its axis, which determines the length of its day. On the other hand, a planet's period of revolution refers to the time it takes to orbit around its star, determining the length of its year.

Why do the planets differ in their speed of revolution around the sun?

The planets differ in speed of revolution around the Sun due to their distance from the Sun and their individual gravitational pulls. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it moves in its orbit, following Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. Additionally, the masses of the planets can also affect their speed of revolution.

How does earths rotation differ from its revolution?

The word "rotation" is used when something turns around its own axis - which is inside the object. In the case of Earth, this happens once a day (more precisely, every 23h 56m). The word "revolution" is used when an object goes around another object. In the case of the Earth, the other object would be the Sun; it takes Earth a year to go around once.

Related questions

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giants planets differ from those of earth?

Their farther awat from the sun

How does a planets period of rotation differ from its period of revolution?

they have different distances from the sun

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for gas giant planets differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planets differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planets differ from those of Earth's?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant's planets differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planets differ from those of earth?

The gas giant planets have shorter rotation (day) periods compared to Earth. For example, Jupiter's rotation period is about 10 hours, while Earth's is about 24 hours. However, the gas giant planets have longer revolution (year) periods, as they are farther from the sun. For example, Jupiter's revolution period is about 12 Earth years, while Earth's is about 1 year.

How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do the periods of rotation and Revolution for the gas giant planet differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How do periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giant planet differ from those of earth?

It is so much greater because the planets are made out of gas and gas are inside a wind storm or should i say a wind cycle and that is my answer.

How does rotation differ from revolution?

Rotation is spinning on an object's axis. Revolution is orbiting around an external axis.

Why do planets differ in their length of revolution around the sun?

because each planet are different lengths away from the sun so if would then take longer periods of revolution around the sun