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First thing Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell.

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2w ago

Mitochondria are known as the "kitchen of the cell" because they generate energy for the cell in the form of ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Just like a kitchen provides energy for the home by cooking food, mitochondria provide energy for the cell by breaking down nutrients and converting them into ATP.

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Which cell organelles is called kitchen of the cell?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell.

Which is the kitchen of the cell?

mitochondria by nivesh cullen

What is the kitchen of cell?

Mitochondria. They make "food" (ATP) from the cell using "ingredients" (sugars).

Which organelle acts as the kitchen of the cell?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell.

What is the fiction of mitochondria?

Mitochondria act as a power house.They produce cell's energy.

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Mitochondria act as the power house of the cell.

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Primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy.It act as the power house of cell.

What is the primary function of the mitochondria cell part?

Primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy.It act as the power house of cell.

What do mitochondria and chloroplasts do?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell. Mitochondria is known as power house of cell. They use carbohydrates and fats present in the cell to CO2 and water vapour. Oxidation releases energy, a portion of which is used to form ATP. Since the mitochondria synthesize, energy-rich compounds (ATP), they are known as 'power house ' of cell.

What is chloroplast and mitochondria?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell. Mitochondria is known as power house of cell. They use carbohydrates and fats present in the cell to CO2 and water vapour. Oxidation releases energy, a portion of which is used to form ATP. Since the mitochondria synthesize, energy-rich compounds (ATP), they are known as 'power house ' of cell.

Which is an important function of mitochondria?

It performs an important function.Primary function of mitochondria is to produce energy.It act as the power house of cell.

Which part of cell is called kitchen of cell?

The mitochondria is often referred to as the "kitchen of the cell" because it is responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through the process of cellular respiration. This organelle is essential for providing the cell with the energy it needs to carry out its various functions.