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Q: How do the effects of climate change differ from the effects of habitat alteration invasive species over harvesting and pollution?
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What are 5 examples of declining biodiversity?

Climate change, deforestation and habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species, and pollution

What are all the causes of endangering species?

1. habitat destruction 2. pollution 3. overhunting/over exploitation 4. introduction of invasive species 5. climate change

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What factor is largely responsible for the loss of biodiversity seen in the world today?

as it will lead to some major problems such as global warming , pollution of natural resources etc.

Most of the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems is caused by .?

loss of habitat

What is bio diversity degradation?

Biodiversity degradation, or loss of biodiversity can be caused by: deforestation, climate change, over-harvesting, overpopulation, over-consumption and pollution. Currently, the most threatened ecosystems are found in fresh water.

What is any alteration in temperature rainfall strom activity and cloud fromation?

climate change-(:

What types of global changes concern biologists?

Biologists are concerned about climate change, loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, pollution, and the spread of invasive species. These factors can have significant impacts on ecosystems, species survival, and overall health of the planet.

What can be causes of biodiversity?

Some common causes of biodiversity loss include habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, introduction of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources, and deforestation. These factors can lead to the extinction of species and disruption of ecosystems, resulting in a decrease in overall biodiversity.

Why has Southern Europe climate called its most valuable resources?

The reason why is because the climate there is sometimes fit for farming and harvesting crops.

What is causing the mass extinctiong of organisms today?

Human activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, overfishing, and introduction of invasive species are the main drivers of the current mass extinction of organisms. These activities disrupt ecosystems and biodiversity, leading to a loss of species at an alarming rate. Efforts to preserve habitats, reduce pollution, and mitigate climate change are essential to address this crisis.

How is the climate being affected by humans?
