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Continental rock is MUCH older than sediments in the sea (unless the sediments in the sea come from continental crust, in which case they would be the same age).

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Q: How do the ages of the sea sediments compare to the age of the oldest contential rock?
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Where does the oldest rock take place at on the ocean floor in sea-floor spreading?

Far from the mid oceanic ridge, near the continental margin (oldest oceanic rock ages 200 mya)

Fossil used to compare the relative ages of fossils?

Index fossils are used to compare the relative ages of fossils. These are fossils that are known to have lived during a specific time period, helping to date the rock layers in which they are found. By identifying and comparing index fossils, scientists can determine the relative ages of different rock layers and fossils.

How is the ice ages related to geography?

Ice ages are periods of extensive glacial activity, impacting Earth's climate and geography by advancing and retreating ice sheets. During ice ages, glaciers can reshape landscapes, carve valleys, and deposit sediments, influencing the physical geography of regions they cover. Additionally, ice ages can cause sea levels to drop as water is stored in glaciers, exposing new land bridges and altering coastlines.

What rock is radiometric dating not useful on?

Radiometric dating is not useful on sedimentary rocks because they are formed from the accumulation of sediments, which may contain elements with different ages. The process of sedimentation can also disturb the isotopic composition.

What is the earth's oldest river?

The New River in the United States is considered one of the world's oldest rivers, estimated to be at least 260 million years old. It is believed to predate even the Appalachian Mountains that surround it.

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How do the ages of the oldest sediments compare to the ages of the oldest continental rocks?

The oldest sediments are generally younger than the oldest continental rocks. Sediments are continuously being deposited on the Earth's surface, while continental rocks have undergone processes of solidification and deformation over billions of years. This means that the oldest continental rocks are usually much older than the oldest sediments.

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Ages of passengers on Titanic ranged from babies like Sidney Goodwin to Johan Svensson, who at 74, was the oldest man on Titanic and the oldest passenger.

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"Older" is used to compare two things in terms of age or length of time, while "elder" is used to refer to the oldest member in a group or family. For example, you would say "He is older than his sister" to compare ages, and "She is the elder of her two siblings" to refer to the oldest sibling.

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Answerroman lyre AnswerThe oldest instruments of the Middle Ages, and in fact the oldest instruments known, are flutes, some of which date from 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. A+PLUSRoman lyre

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15 youngest idk the oldest i know above 45

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How can fossils be uesed to compare the ages of different rocks?

i dont know do i

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