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The Sun's activity varies, sometimes being hotter, sometimes being colder. The amount of activity on the sun has been measured for over 2000 years by observing spots on the Sun's surface. The more active the Sun is, the more of these spots appear on the surface. During these periods of heavy solar activity, the sun is a little bit hotter and the sun ejects more material off its surface. This has a minor effect on temperature of the Earth and the other planets.

It will be a mistake to believe that the number of sunspots on any particular day determines that day's temperature. Solar activity may increase the heating of the Earth, but the Earth's temperature does not respond instantly. There are also other important factors that effect the Earth's temperature, including the changes in the tilt of the Earth (called precession, over tens of thousands of years) and the accumulation of dust in the atmosphere from volcanoes or meteor impact (which only last for a couple years).

In the last several years, sunspots have been at an unprecedented minimum, and yet the Earth's temperature is near its highest in recorded history. Clearly global warming cannot simply be attributed to an 11 year sun cycle.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Sunspots can lead to increased solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Solar flares can disrupt radio communications and satellite operations on Earth, while CMEs can cause geomagnetic storms that may impact power grids and disrupt satellite navigation systems. Additionally, solar prominences can release solar material into space, potentially affecting Earth's magnetosphere and causing auroras.

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15y ago

The question of how - and IF - sunspots affect the climate here on Earth is still a matter of some dispute. Some scientists believe that the effect of sunspots on the Earth must be minuscule. Other scientists observe that when the Sun has few or no sunspots for long periods of time, the Earth experiences markedly cooler weather.

While it is true that the "Maunder Minimum" (a 70-year period of VERY low sunspot activity) happened just prior to the "Little Ice Age" in Europe, there is not yet a widely accepted mechanism proposed that would explain the connection between sunspots and warmer temperatures. Until some mechanism to explain this is proposed, the issue of sunspots and climate must remain open.

For myself, I believe that the statistical correlation between sunspots and temperature is very suggestive; but it is not proof.

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13y ago

We're not sure why, but when there are very few sunspots during the 11-year "sunspot cycle", or when that cycle slows down, we experience colder than usual weather here on Earth.

We've only been tracking sunspots for about 400 years; before then, nobody knew to look for them, or were able to. The sunspot cycle which began last year is Cycle 24. There have been two extended periods of few or no sunspots; one was the Maunder Minimum, from 1645 to 1715, and the Dalton Minimum, from 1790 to 1830. The Maunder Minimum coincides with a period known as the "Little Ice Age", and during the Dalton Minimum the recorded temperatures were perhaps 2-3 degrees below normal.

Periods of increased sunspot activities appear to be associated with slightly higher than normal temperatures.

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14y ago

The primary affect on the Earth is on our ionosphere

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13y ago

It interferes with radio transmissions and reception. It is possible for them to cause havoc.

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They create the Aurora borealis by reacting with the magnetic poles.

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Q: How do sunspots promineneces flares and CMEs effects earth?
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How do solar flares and sunspots affect the earth climate?

Solar flares release bursts of energy and radiation that can disrupt Earth's magnetic field and cause geomagnetic storms. Sunspots are cooler areas on the sun's surface that can affect solar radiation reaching Earth. Both solar flares and sunspots can influence the Earth's climate by affecting the amount of solar radiation received, potentially leading to changes in weather patterns and atmospheric processes.

How can the tree main types of solar activity sunspots solar flares and prominences be differentiated from each other?

Sunspots are dark spots on the sun's surface caused by magnetic activity, solar flares are sudden releases of energy from the sun's surface, and prominences are arcs of plasma that extend outwards from the sun's surface. They can be differentiated by their appearance, with sunspots being dark spots, solar flares appearing as sudden bright flashes, and prominences being visible as long arcs or loops. Each type of solar activity is associated with different levels of energy release and can have varying effects on Earth.

Solar flares may be seen in the sun's what?

Solar flares, sunspots and prominences are features of the sun that have some effects on Earth: 1. Sunspots- Dark areas around the surface of the sun that are cooler than surrounding areas. They appear and disappear over a period of time. The period from minimum to maximum number of appearances of sunspots is the sunspot cycle, which occurs every 11 years. Sunspots are believed to have effects on Earth's weather and climate. Low temperatures in some countries and drought in other countries were observed during a period when very few sunspots appeared on the sun's surface. 2. Prominences- Arches of gas that rise from the sun's surface and flow back to it caused by magnetic fields of sunspots. Some prominences are in the forms of loops, curtains, or funnels. Solar prominences may last for many hours and can extend millions of kilometers above the surface of the sun. 3. Solar flares- Violent eruptions that are suddenly released and are caused by magnetic energy stored in the corona. Ultraviolet light and X rays from solar flares cause disruption of radio signals, making communication by radio and telephone difficult. Magnetic storms occur on Earth when electrically charged particles from the corona and solar flares ae added to the solar wind produced by the corona. When this happens, Earth's atmosphere radites beautiful lights called aurora borealis or northern lights. This same light is called the aurora australis in the southern hemisphere.

Sunspots are associated with a brief outburst called what?

Sunspots are associated with a brief outburst called solar flares. These are sudden, intense bursts of radiation that occur on the Sun's surface near sunspot regions. They can release a significant amount of energy and can affect communication systems on Earth.

What might happen if the number of sunspots go much larger?

If the number of sunspots increases significantly, it can lead to more solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which can disrupt satellite communications, power grids, and navigation systems on Earth. This increase in solar activity can also result in a stronger solar wind that may affect Earth's magnetic field and lead to geomagnetic storms.

Related questions

How do solar flares and sunspots affect the earth climate?

Solar flares release bursts of energy and radiation that can disrupt Earth's magnetic field and cause geomagnetic storms. Sunspots are cooler areas on the sun's surface that can affect solar radiation reaching Earth. Both solar flares and sunspots can influence the Earth's climate by affecting the amount of solar radiation received, potentially leading to changes in weather patterns and atmospheric processes.

What are examples of solar activity?

Examples of solar activity include solar flares, sunspots, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind. These phenomena can have effects on Earth's magnetic field, technology, and space weather.

Why are cell phone companies concerned about sunspots?

the cause sun spots create prominences the solar flares that interferes with earth's satellites

what happens when the sun emit more energy that normal?

What happens when the Sun emits more energy than normal?O Solar flares and sunspots occur, increasing Earth's temperature.O Sunspots and volcanic eruptions occur, increasing Earth's temperature.O Volcanic eruptions and movement of continents occur, decreasing Earth's temperature.O Movement of continents and solar flares occurs, decreasing Earth's temperature.?

How can the tree main types of solar activity sunspots solar flares and prominences be differentiated from each other?

Sunspots are dark spots on the sun's surface caused by magnetic activity, solar flares are sudden releases of energy from the sun's surface, and prominences are arcs of plasma that extend outwards from the sun's surface. They can be differentiated by their appearance, with sunspots being dark spots, solar flares appearing as sudden bright flashes, and prominences being visible as long arcs or loops. Each type of solar activity is associated with different levels of energy release and can have varying effects on Earth.

Solar flares may be seen in the sun's what?

Solar flares, sunspots and prominences are features of the sun that have some effects on Earth: 1. Sunspots- Dark areas around the surface of the sun that are cooler than surrounding areas. They appear and disappear over a period of time. The period from minimum to maximum number of appearances of sunspots is the sunspot cycle, which occurs every 11 years. Sunspots are believed to have effects on Earth's weather and climate. Low temperatures in some countries and drought in other countries were observed during a period when very few sunspots appeared on the sun's surface. 2. Prominences- Arches of gas that rise from the sun's surface and flow back to it caused by magnetic fields of sunspots. Some prominences are in the forms of loops, curtains, or funnels. Solar prominences may last for many hours and can extend millions of kilometers above the surface of the sun. 3. Solar flares- Violent eruptions that are suddenly released and are caused by magnetic energy stored in the corona. Ultraviolet light and X rays from solar flares cause disruption of radio signals, making communication by radio and telephone difficult. Magnetic storms occur on Earth when electrically charged particles from the corona and solar flares ae added to the solar wind produced by the corona. When this happens, Earth's atmosphere radites beautiful lights called aurora borealis or northern lights. This same light is called the aurora australis in the southern hemisphere.

What are flares of electrically charged particles coming off of sunspots?

Flares of electrically charged particles, also known as solar flares, are intense bursts of energy released by the Sun's magnetic fields. They can occur near sunspots, which are dark regions on the Sun's surface with strong magnetic activity. Solar flares can emit electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum and impact space weather, potentially affecting satellites, power grids, and communication systems on Earth.

What are small bursts of fire near sunspots called?

Small bursts of fire near sunspots are called solar flares. Solar flares eject clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona of the sun into space. These ejections reach the earth a day or two later.

Prominences and flares on the sun are related to sunspots because they all are caused by eartlths orbit around the sun?

Prominences and flares on the sun are not caused by Earth's orbit around the sun. Prominences are large, bright, gaseous features extending from the sun's surface, while flares are intense bursts of radiation. Sunspots, on the other hand, are dark, cooler regions on the sun's surface that are associated with intense magnetic activity.

Do Auroras occur near sunspots?

Auroras are not directly related to sunspots. However, sunspots are associated with solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which can cause geomagnetic storms on Earth. These storms can enhance aurora activity, making them more likely to be visible at lower latitudes.

Sunspots are associated with a brief outburst called what?

Sunspots are associated with a brief outburst called solar flares. These are sudden, intense bursts of radiation that occur on the Sun's surface near sunspot regions. They can release a significant amount of energy and can affect communication systems on Earth.

What is a heliologist?

A heliologist is a scientist who studies the sun, its behavior, and its effects on the solar system and Earth. They often focus on phenomena such as solar flares, sunspots, and solar winds.