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Because the oil is made underground by the earth and scientist dig it up

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Q: How do scientist know it takes millions of years for oil to form?
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What is the least number of years it takes for a fossil to form?

It typically takes thousands to millions of years for a fossil to form, as the process involves the gradual replacement of organic material with minerals. However, under exceptional conditions such as rapid burial or extreme environmental conditions, fossils can form more quickly in as little as a few thousand years.

Does it take millions of years for sedimentary rock to form'?

It can take thousands to millions of years for sedimentary rock to form, depending on factors such as the type of sediment and the environmental conditions. The process involves the accumulation and compaction of sediment layers over time, leading to the eventual transformation into solid rock through lithification.

How long does a sedimentary rock take to form?

Sedimentary rocks can take millions to hundreds of millions of years to form. The process involves the accumulation of sediment, compaction, and cementation. The specific time required for formation depends on factors such as the type of sediment being deposited and the geological conditions.

How long does it take for crystals to form?

The time it takes for crystals to form can vary greatly depending on factors such as temperature, concentration of the solution, and type of crystal. In some cases, crystals can form within hours, while in other cases it may take days or even weeks. The process of crystal formation can be influenced by various factors that affect the rate of nucleation and crystal growth.

Why is it impossible for someone to see the transition from an igneous rock to a sedimentary rock?

It takes a very long time (millions of years) and occurs at high pressure deep within dense sediments. Igneous rocks form from magma or lava, then are slowly eroded into tiny particles (sand, silt, clay) that when buried and compressed may form a hard sedimentary rock. The time scale can be from millions to hundreds of millions of years.

Related questions

What takes millions of years to form from the pressure of dead plants and trees in swamps?

Coal, a fossil fuel, takes millions of years to form from the pressure of dead plants and trees in swamps.

How long it takes to form natural gas?

Millions of years

What makes a nonrenewable resources?

It takes millions of years to form.

How is oil a nonrenewable source?

because it takes hundreds of millions of years to form.

Is coal renewable or non?

It is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form.

Does it take millions of years for sedimentary rock to form'?

It can take thousands to millions of years for sedimentary rock to form, depending on factors such as the type of sediment and the environmental conditions. The process involves the accumulation and compaction of sediment layers over time, leading to the eventual transformation into solid rock through lithification.

Why is oil considered a nonrenewable?

because it takes millions of years to form under ground.

What kind of resource takes millions of years to form and accumulate?

gullah gullah island

Is gravel renewable or non renewable?

it is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form

Why is there a problem with coal?

it takes millions of years to form but last only seconds when burning

Is coal a renewable energey resource?

No, not in our lifetime. It takes millions of years to form coal.

What Resource that takes millions of years to form?

Coal, gas and oil are three forms of non-renewable resources - which, laid down millions of years ago, can't be renewed.