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They change its size and shape.

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Q: How do plate tectonics affect the ocean floor?
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How plate tectonics affect climate?

by changing ocean circulation

What was Marie Tharp's contribution to plate tectonics?

Marie Tharp's contribution to plate tectonics was the creation of the first scientific map of the ocean floor that revealed the existence of a mid-ocean ridge and deep-sea trenches. Her mapping work provided critical evidence in support of the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics.

How do plate tectonics explains mudslides tornadoes ocean currents and trenches?

Plate tectonic only directly explains ocean trenches. An ocean trench forms when an oceanic plate collides with another plate and slides under it. Mudslides are most likely to occur in in hilly or mountainous areas. Most mountains have been formed by tectonic activity. Ocean currents are influenced by climate and the arrangement of the continents. While plate tectonics does change the positions of the continents, it does not directly affect climate. Tornadoes have nothing to do with plate tectonics; they are weather events.

How do the features of the ocean floor help support the theory of plate tectonics?

The features of the ocean floor, such as mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, and underwater volcanoes, provide evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. These features are formed by processes like seafloor spreading, subduction, and volcanic activity, which are central to the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. Additionally, the magnetic striping pattern on the ocean floor supports the idea of seafloor spreading and plate movement over time.

What was the effect of scientists' discovery of ocean floor spreading?

The discovery of ocean floor spreading provided evidence for plate tectonics theory, showing that the Earth's crust is continuously moving and renewing itself. It revolutionized our understanding of Earth's geology and helped explain phenomena like earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formation.

Related questions

How plate tectonics affect climate?

by changing ocean circulation

What is responsible for the formation of ocean-floor features?

Plate tectonics and (river) erosion are responsible for the formation of ocean-floor features.

What is responsible for the formation of ocean floor features?

Plate tectonics and (river) erosion are responsible for the formation of ocean-floor features.

What would the ocean floor look like if plate tectonics did not happen?

If plate tectonics did not happen, the ocean floor would likely be smoother and more uniform, without the presence of mid-ocean ridges, trenches, and seismic activity caused by plate movements. Mountain ranges and underwater volcanoes associated with tectonic activity would also be absent.

New crust forms on the ocean floor due to what process?

New crust forms on the ocean floor through seafloor spreading, where magma rises up from the mantle through mid-ocean ridges and solidifies into new crust as tectonic plates move apart.

Why isn't the ocean floor a flat surface?

Plate Tectonics, to put it simply.

How did the ocean floor help develop the theory pf plate tectonics?

*of, sorry

What happen to plate tectonics as they move?

what material forms new pieces of ocean floor

What are some features of the ocean floor that provide evidence for plate tectonics?

they found fossils

What theories were combined to form the theory of plate tectonics?

The theory of plate tectonics combined the theories of continental drift, which proposed that the continents were once connected and moved over time, and seafloor spreading, which suggested that new oceanic crust is created at mid-ocean ridges. These theories were brought together to create a unified model explaining the motion of Earth's lithosphere.

Which was an argument used to dispute the theory of plate tectonics?

Continents cannot cut through the ocean floor.

How do the features of the ocean floor help support the theory of plate tectonics?

The features of the ocean floor, such as mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, and underwater volcanoes, provide evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. These features are formed by processes like seafloor spreading, subduction, and volcanic activity, which are central to the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. Additionally, the magnetic striping pattern on the ocean floor supports the idea of seafloor spreading and plate movement over time.