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Some with fear. Comets, which are called that because they appear to be "hairy stars," suggest that there are big changes in the otherwise stable heavens and this can be very upsetting. We know today that comets are relatively small, relatively common, and - unless one should actually hit the Earth, which is not very likely - pretty harmless. Probably because a big event in the sky seemed as though it should be connected with a big event on Earth, back during the fear period comets came to be associated with the death of kings. No everybody believed this. When the Roman Emperor Vespasian was told about a comet, he joked that since it was so hairy, it couldn't be a message for him, as he was bald.

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Q: How do people react to comets?
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What did people think of comets in the 1800's?

Comets have been in space since the start of time. In the 1800's there were many people who knew comets where a space phenomena, there were people who thought it was a message from the gods. What people thought of the comets depended on their cultural beliefs.

Is all comets named after people?

No, not all comets are named after people. Some comets are named after the astronomers who discovered them, while others are given more generic names based on their characteristics or catalog numbers.

How are comets named?

Usually after the people they were spotted by.

Why were people afraid of comets?

because it can kill you if it falls on you

Do comets have water on it?

maybe ask the people in space

Why should people visit comets?

People can't visit comets. They are too far away and the practicalities of getting people to do so are not possible. They can be visited by probes and that would be done to learn more about them.

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What is the possessive noun for comets?

The singular form is comet, the plural form is comets, the possessive plural is comets'. Example: The comets' paths will not cross.

Was there ever a comet?

Yes, there are many comets that have been seen by people.

What do comets and asteroids not have in common?

Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids

How did people react to James A garfields assassination?

it is unknown but allot people actually react to it

Who invented comets?
