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Paramecium move through the use of small hair-like cillia.

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4mo ago

Parameciums move by using hair-like structures called cilia that cover their outer surface. These cilia beat in a coordinated manner, propelling the paramecium through water in a spiraling fashion. This movement helps them to find food and avoid predators.

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13y ago

The paramecium moves with little hairs called cilia that help then move threw places faster

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Q: How do parameciums move?
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Do parameciums only swim around?

No. Parameciums, a type of ciliates, have to get energy first before they're even able to move, so these eukaryotes don't only swim around. Parameciums use their cilia (tiny hair-like organelles) to sweep food from their surroundings into their gullet, which is like a mouth. They also use their cilia for transportation.

How fast does parameciums move?

In extreme cases a paramecium will move about 22 to 47 mph. While in normal circumstances a paramecium will travel anywhere from 2 to 8 mph.

Where do parameciums live?

parameciums live in water... (ponds, lakes, streams)

How humans are afected by parameciums?

your fat

Do parameciums have chloroplast?

No, parameciums do not have chloroplasts. They are single-celled organisms belonging to the group of protists, and they are not capable of photosynthesis. Instead, parameciums obtain their energy by feeding on bacteria and other small organisms.

How does the paramecuim eat?

Parameciums ingest by using their cillias.

What does Didinum eat?

parameciums mainly and small protazoans too.

Are protists hetertrophs?

Yes they are. Protists can be Parameciums and Ameboas and they are heterotrophs.

Do parameciums have cell membranes?

Yes, parameciums have a cell membrane. The cell membrane is a protective barrier that surrounds the cell and regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

How do parameciums use energy?

it swims all day and every nite

What are parameciums life span?

it depends on the type of spieces it depends on the life span

How many cells do paramecium?

Parameciums are unicellular organisms, hence they only have one cell.