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Like all living things,microorganisms need energy and nutrients,which they obtain from food.To release energy from food,carry out respiration.In the process,they give out Carbon dioxide.

Can any1 plz give me a better answer than this?Thats all given in my book! :(

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Microorganisms release energy from food through a process called fermentation, where they break down the sugars in the food to produce energy in the form of ATP. In the case of cheese, bacteria or fungi metabolize the lactose in the milk to produce lactic acid, which not only helps with the preservation of the cheese but also provides energy for the microorganisms.

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Q: How do microorganisms release energy from food such as cheese?
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Uses of microorganism in food industries?

Microorganisms are used in food industries for processes like fermentation, which helps produce products like yogurt, cheese, and bread. They are also used in the production of certain vitamins and enzymes. Additionally, some microorganisms are used to enhance flavors in products like soy sauce and vinegar.

How are microorganisms used in food?

Microorganisms are used in food production processes like fermentation to create products like bread, cheese, and yogurt. They help break down sugars and proteins, enhancing flavor and texture. Some microorganisms also produce vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for human health.

What is the difference between foodborne microorganisms and food poisoning microorganisms?

Foodborne microorganisms refer to any microorganism that can be present in or on food, whether harmful or not, while food poisoning microorganisms specifically cause illness when ingested in contaminated food. Food poisoning microorganisms produce toxins that can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, whereas other foodborne microorganisms may not necessarily cause food poisoning.

Why do microorganisms grow on your food?

Microorganisms grow on food because they need nutrients, moisture, and the right temperature to thrive. When these conditions are present, bacteria, mold, and yeast can multiply rapidly, leading to food spoilage. Proper food storage and handling can help prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms on food.

What beneficial microorganisms introduced into this food gives it a unique flavor?

The beneficial microorganisms that give unique flavor to fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt are typically lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These bacteria ferment sugars in the food, producing lactic acid, which gives the characteristic tangy flavor. Additionally, other microorganisms like molds and yeasts can also contribute to flavor development in fermented foods.

Related questions

What beneficial microorganisms introduced into this food gives it a unique flavor?

The beneficial microorganisms that give unique flavor to fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt are typically lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These bacteria ferment sugars in the food, producing lactic acid, which gives the characteristic tangy flavor. Additionally, other microorganisms like molds and yeasts can also contribute to flavor development in fermented foods.

What are the examples of food products advertised in the television and in the newspaper which are produced through the help of microorganisms?

* cheese * yogurt * cottage cheese * bread

How do microorganism reach your food?

Microorganisms can reach your food for several different reasons. Some foods and drinks are made with microorganisms as an ingredient such as the bacteria used to make cheese. Other microorganisms can come from someone handling food without washing their hands or several other sources.

What is the food constituent that causes cheese to have high energy?

calcium causes cheese to have high energy levels

Uses of microorganism in food industries?

Microorganisms are used in food industries for processes like fermentation, which helps produce products like yogurt, cheese, and bread. They are also used in the production of certain vitamins and enzymes. Additionally, some microorganisms are used to enhance flavors in products like soy sauce and vinegar.

What is the production of food without light energy?

Food production without light energy can occur through processes like fermentation, such as in the production of bread, cheese, and yogurt. Some microorganisms can also produce food through chemosynthesis, where they use inorganic chemicals as their energy source instead of light. Additionally, certain plants can grow in the absence of light using geothermal energy or chemical energy sources.

Why are microorganisms important in ocean food chains?

Microorganisms in the ocean are important as they form the base of the food web by converting sunlight and nutrients into energy through photosynthesis. They are essential in transferring energy and nutrients to higher levels of the food chain, sustaining marine life such as zooplankton, fish, and ultimately larger marine predators. Additionally, microorganisms play a role in the cycling of nutrients in the ocean ecosystem.

How are microorganisms used in food?

Microorganisms are used in food production processes like fermentation to create products like bread, cheese, and yogurt. They help break down sugars and proteins, enhancing flavor and texture. Some microorganisms also produce vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for human health.

What is the release of energy in plants and animals from food?

The release of energy in plants and animals food is chemical energy.

What cell's organelles release energy stored in food?

Mitochondria release the energy stored in food.

What is the ultimate source for energy for food chains and webs?


Are microorganisms important in food chains?

No, all food chains must start with a producer that harvests energy from the sun, and distributes it throughout the ecosystem.