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They have rocky surfaces.

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Q: How do inner planets differ from the outer one?
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Is mars one of the inner or outer of the planets?

It is included among the inner planets.

How do you use inner planets in a sentence?

I hesitate to admit that I was raised on one of the inner planets. The inner planets are not gaseous, like the outer planets.

Is Jupiter one of the inner planets or an outer planet?

Jupiter's one of the outer planets because its a gas giant there you have the answer

What is the relative size of the inner planets?

The inner planets, also known as the terrestrial planets, are smaller in size compared to the outer planets. They include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, and they have rocky surfaces and higher densities.

Is Jupiter an outer inner or dwarf planet?

Jupiter is one of the Outer Planets.

Is earth an inner or outer planet?

Earth is an inner planet. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The inner planets are warmer and have solid, rocky cores. The outer planets are much cooler, bigger and are mostly, if not entirely, gas.

Do the outer planets circle the inner planets?

All planets circle the CEntral Star. So in a way outer planets almost circle inner planets but the Star is at one focus of the planets' orbits so it is more proper to say that planets orbit stars.

what Scientists refer to half of the planets as inner planets because they are relatively close to the Sun. They refer to the other half as outer planets. Using the data in the table, classify the planets into one of the two groups.?

One-half of eight is four. So, there are four inner planets and four outer planets. According to the distances in the table, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are inner planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are outer planets.

Is Jupiter one of the inner plantets?

Jupiter is not one of the inner planets. The solar system has four inner planets, which starting with the one that is closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, followed by the asteroid belt (which is a division between the inner and outer system) and then the four outer planets, which are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. After that are various dwarf planets, and the comets.

Could do the inner planets have lots of moons?

No, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have very few moons compared to the outer planets. Mercury and Venus have no moons, Earth has one moon, and Mars has two moons. The outer planets have larger numbers of moons in comparison.

What is the difference between inner and outer planets?

The four inner planets are smaller, denser and warmer than the four outer gas planets. The four gas planets don't have clear surfaces like the four inner rocky planets. Because they are further away, the out gas planets orbit the sun at slower speeds and at slower rates - taking much longer in general. The four outer planets have a very different composition to the inner planets.The inner planets and the outer plants are divided by the asteroid belt.The inner planets are small and comprised mainly of rock and metals.The outer planets are large and are comprised mainly of gases and ices.However, it was believed that other planets close to another star couldn't be gas giants, but the discovery of a "hot Jupiter" extrasolar planet whose mass is close to or exceeds that of Jupiter orbits within 0.05 AU of it's parent stars, about one eighth of the distance that Mercury orbits the Sun.the inner planets are rocky and within the aesteroid belt. the outer planets are made from gas and ice and are outside the belt.The inner planets are between the Sun and the Asteroid Belt, while the outer planets are farther from the Sun than the Belt.The "inner planets" are the four rocky or "terrestrial" (Earth-like) planets closer to the Sun. The outer planets are the four larger "gas giants".Inner planets : Mercury, Venus, Earth, MarsOuter planets : Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Why are the inner planets so much smaller then the gass giant outer planets?

The inner planets are smaller than the gas giant outer planets because they formed closer to the Sun where higher temperatures prevented gases from accumulating to form large planets. The outer planets had cooler temperatures, allowing them to accumulate large amounts of gas and become much larger in size.